Chapter 2

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"Mr. Amos will see you now Ms. Richman." The blonde haired secretary tells the woman anxiously waiting. She couldn't wait to see the arrogant man's reaction when she enters the room.

When she enters he didn't bother to look up, he arranges his desk while indicating to where she is to sit. She slowly approache his large office desk. His desk has two thick wooden legs, a large cuboid and the other, a large cylindrical one at both ends of the almost crescent-shaped translucent glass top. The aesthetics of his office has an earthy-vintage effect.

She sits in silence and waits to be addressed more formally. When he realizes the silence he brings his head from his paper work only to be stunned by the woman sitting in front of him. Fumigated , he stands in objection, his fists seems as if they want to shatter through the glass. She smirks, folds her arms and leans back into the chair, "Shall we?" Her smirk expanded, touching her left ear.

"Get out of my office! Did I not order you to leave?" His temper climaxed.

Calmly, Yolanda stands with a deceitful smile plastered on her face, "Oh, Mr. Amos, can a "smart" man be so ignorant? Unfortunately for you, I only take orders from my boss and you aren't her," her voice a velvety tone, "I am here for my interview." She grins and sits, creasing out her skirt with her hands.

"You are not the woman I agreed to speak with." His stern tone echoes in the room.

"Well we don't always get what we want now do we?" She teases which only aggravates the highly opinionated, self-absorbed figure of a man before her.

"I will make it my duty to ensure that you never get to write that paper." He narrows his eyes and eases his stance to fold his arms as if he has accomplished anything.

"Your duty?" She chuckles in disbelief, she had only met the man less than ten minutes ago and already she was amazed of how he got so far up the ladder of success with his rotten personality. "Your duty, I'm afraid is to sit and be interviewed. Your duty, Mr. Amos is to pretend for a brief moment that you are actually bearable." Her nose twitches with anger, "To be respectful, humble. Your duty is to be an entrepreneur," she copies his previous stance, fists flat on the glass table top, "And entrepreneurs are not asshole!"

"Lady, you are not in my calibre, therefore you are not allowed to speak on my part. I am the best so I act like it. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't man enough to take charge." His built is now as proud as a peacock's. He smirks, "Get the hell out of my office." He points straight to the door looking her directly in her eyes.

"I see the headlines now, "The Hubristic Entrepreneur". Has a nice ring to it. Doesn't it? Say no more, Sir. This was all I needed." She slides her chair back and walks to the door, "I guess bad publicity is still publicity, right?" She winks and slams the door shut behind her.


"I hate that son of a cunt!" Yolanda growls as she crashes into the couch. "He is so arrogant and so, so self absorbed and not to mention.." Her ranting was cut off by her roommate's sudden outburst.

"Hot, cute, yummy!" The blonde haired, brown eyes, slender Tessanique takes a sip of her lukewarm coffee.

"I beg to differ." Yolanda rolls her eyes and grabs a cushion from the sofa and heads face first.

"He couldn't be that bad." Her friend shrugs in disbelief.

"Oh but Tess he is! I should have never agreed to do this for you." Frustrated, she couldn't stay still, she was off the couch and heading for the kitchen, she returns with a jar of cherry chocolate chip ice-cream and goes back and forth in the living room.

"And I love you for doing me this favour, I owe you one." Tessanique gets up from the miniature table and gives Yolanda a tight hug and a peck on the cheek. "But you know I can't say anything bad, I am supposed to highlight his achievements for my article."

"Well I have nothing good to tell you, he is awful. Plus, he told me to, and I quote, "Get the hell out my office." She shoves a whole spoon of ice-cream in her mouth. Her temples jump with the sudden collision of the coldness to her mouth.

"Did you smart mouth the man, Yo?" Tess folds her hands in disappointment and shakes her head.

She pouts, "Only because he fired me." After only seconds of awkward silence, they burst out in laughter.

"What!" Tess' jaws drop, the amusement still dominant on her face.

"He fired me for standing in his way. " Yolanda starts to tell her roommate her day at Amos Inc. "Oh, and now he thinks you are my boss." Both girls laughed 'til theirs eyes watered 

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