Chapter One

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FYI: this story is not going to be as low diction as my other works, okay, I'm gonna use bigger words and things will be much more descriptive.
This story is NOT told in first person. Third person omniscient tbh

And now, we begin...


  It was a normal day in the hospital, things ordinary but never extraordinary. Which probably explains why Gerard, Ray, and Bob were playing a fucking drinking game (it was only coffee, relax, but a drinking game is still a drinking game) to pass the time. They weren't technically on duty at the moment, at least not until Brian said so, so the three men were watching early morning cartoons on the tiny TV in the break room.

   "Okay, okay, how about this: every time George does something dumb, take a drink. First one with an empty mug has to buy the snacks Friday." Ray suggested, turning the low volume up three notches. Ray was sure he'd win the game, easily; coffee to Gerard is like heroin to a junkie. Bob was another story, but Ray was sure Gerard would be the first to lose. A smug smile lifted his lips as Bob and Gerard nodded in agreement.

   "I'm gonna fucking lose this, that's for sure," Gerard sighed semi grumpily, moving from where he was standing in front of the TV to the countertop, where the second pot of coffee that morning was nearly finished percolating. Grabbing the three gently used mugs from the sink, he put them in order in front of the coffee machine, ready to be filled with the rich, dark brown elixir.

  He wasn't really all that annoyed, it's not like he didn't have the money to buy snacks and what not for the weekly get together, he just hated how he always lost. Not just to these dumb drinking games, but to everything. Especially bets, oh god was Gerard terrible at them. He once made a bad, poorly thought through bet and ended up losing his best paint brushes. He just felt so fucking stupid at times, wow.

The smell of fresh coffee brought him out of his reverie, and, mind skipping over the whole my life is such a drag bit, he focused on the task at hand.

   "See, that's why Gerard always buys," Ray whispered, no, stage whispered, Gerard could hear every word, to Bob knowingly. "It's rocket science, practically!"

   "Everything's rocket science to you, Toro," Gerard could almost hear Bob's eyes rolling in their sockets. Gerard knew the many mannerisms of Toro and Bryar almost as good as he knew his own; after all, they'd been friends since junior year of high school. He knew Mikeyway even better, but Mikey was his brother so that was obviously a given.

   "Well, that's because it's easy. Now shush, Curious George's starting." Ray said dismissively just as the machine beeped, signalling that the coffee had successfully roasted.

As Gerard carefully filled each mug to just under an inch from the brim, he frowned. When did my life become so boring?, he wondered, bringing the steaming hot cups to his friends.


   Gerard was feeling extremely annoyed. He'd gotten little to no sleep the night before, causing him to wake up nearly two hours later than usual because apparently his ruddy alarm clock had broken without him realizing. Unless he'd forgotten to set it again, fucking christ. It was like that one time in high school when he'd finally gotten the nerve to ask the guy he really liked out only to get shot down, and then he got wasted, like really wasted, resulting in the worst hangover he'd ever had. And he'd gotten an awful lot of those in his short lifetime. Anyways, his head felt ready to explode and, to top it all off, he was nearly an hour late for work already. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

   "Motherfucker," Gerard cursed loudly, rifling through his closet for a clean work shirt, only there wasn't one. Why the fucking fuck hadn't he done his fucking laundry like he'd meant to?? Oh, that's right, Mikey wouldn't stop texting him about his newest girlfriend, Alice or some shit. According to Mikey, she was most definitely 'the one'. Was it really necessary to have to wear clean clothes every day? Or wear the same fucking uniform all week, every week, every month, every motherfucking year?!

You Don't Know A Thing About This Life (A Frerard fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum