I looked around and found many of them nodding and even got a few 'yeses'. I also thought that change of clothes is necessary. It wasn't hygienic to stay like this and with infection spreading fast, we were an easy target.

"Yeah, we should do that. So, first clothes, second fuel and then onwards to the farmhouse." I said.

"Shouldn't we go for the fuel first?" Oliver asked.

"Once we get the fuel, we will just drive off and try to cover as many miles and also if we get the fuel first, all of us won't be able to go at once, as it risks the chance of getting the vehicles stolen." I answered.

"So, are there any other questions or suggestions?" I inquired.


"We are good."

"Let's do this."

I got my answer and we all started to move towards the supplies, chattering, to pack our bags and pick up weapons.

"Ha, that is your plan? It is as ridiculous as you are." Max's voice boomed over others stopping us on our tracks. I turned around to face him.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I said, that plan is stupid. Just like you." Max replied.

"You have got a better one?" I questioned.

"I am sure I can hatch a better one than this. And you all are even more of a nincompoop for following someone like her. You all chose someone who cannot save one person and expect to take the responsibility for everyone?" Max bellowed.

Anger once again started boiling inside me. I was trying hard not to think about Alex's death and keep everyone safe but Max had to bring that up.

"I regret killing Alex too Max. I hate that I had to make that decision and feel guilty for not being able to save him. I am trying to move on. You should too." I said in a raised voice.

"How can you even think that? He was my best friend and you killed him." He shouted.

"What did you expect me to do, huh? He was going to die anyway, I just made it easier." I spat back.

"You coward! You should have saved him." With this, he ran towards me with his fist raised. I sidestepped and punched him on his face. He stumbled a bit but again started to charge at me. But, before he could attack again I set a grip on his jaw and locked his right arm.

"Listen to me very carefully-" I said in a low and cold voice- "you need to control your anger. Alex's death has affected me too but it was better for everyone. I had to choose between a whole group and him. So it is better for you to try and forget it. No matter how hard it is. Do you understand?"

He gave no answer and kept glaring me.

"I asked DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" I shouted angrily.

I saw him tremble a bit and he squeaked a small yes. I let him go and turned to face the crowd behind us.

"Gabriel, Hayden, and Seth get the car and the buses, we are leaving immediately. Others pack your bags quickly." I ordered in a stern voice.

Within ten minutes of time, everything was packed and ready to go. The buses were parked right outside. We all moved in one single line. Seth's car was a Mercedes E-class and could occupy 7 people. Seth, Mrs. Borris, Renae, Keith, Jocelyn, Carlos, and Kayla were together. My car occupied Natalie, Rhea, Yasmin, Oliver and myself. The rest of them had split in the two buses. We began moving out of the school premises.

At first, my car was totally silent. Rhea and Oliver were snuggled up in the back seat and Yasmin was looking out of the window. I looked beside me and my eyes met another pair which was already looking at me intently. I gave her a small smile which she returned and moved her hand to hold mine. She drew small circles on the back of my hand with her thumb, an action which was calming me and made me smile.

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