Chapter 1

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Draco arrived home from  shopping for school supplies with his mother" they were met with a furious Lucius. Narcissa stepped in front of him, "Lucius..." she warned reaching her arm in front of draco protectively.

"Get away from that filth, Narcissa, IT doesn't deserve your protection" "HE is our son!" Narcissa cried.
"THAT F*GGOT IS NOT MY SON!" Lucius screamed. 
"Father please-" "I. Am. Not. Your. father, freak!"
"Lucius please-" his mother said. "Do you wish to live on the streets with /It/? Come now Narcissa, we have a death eater meeting to prepare for." He turned to Draco"never come here again, and stay away from your mother... I dont want her to catch your... your... Freakishness." He scoffed.

Lucius wrapped his arm around Narcissas middle  Narcissa looked back at Draco tearfully, struggling in her husband's grip as he was practically dragging her into the manor. Draco reached out for her but instead felt a his body stop and he knew his father had put a body binding spell on him.

several hours later, once the sun had set, he felt his body relax and he fell to the ground, He yelped. He stood up, legs still wobbling from the spell and turned from  
his, once, home.  He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he couldn't stay there.

He didn't even have a chance to pack his things... all he had were the clothes on his body and a couple of sickles in his pocket. He sniffled and turned towards a nearby muggle bus station. Even though no busses run at this hour and he couldn't afford a bus ride anyways... it was a covered place to sleep, as it looked as if it were about to rain. Suddenly he saw a blur of purple and a triple decker bus stopped in front of him with a screach of the tires. Draco flinched away from the bus, unsure of what to do. (I cant find the actual line, so just go aith the flow here)
" 'Ello there. A bit lost are ya'?" "I am not lost! I know my way quite well, thank you. "  "right then. Do you want a ride or not" "erm... I don't know where to go..." "so youre saying ye ain't lost, ya just don't know where to go?" Draco sighed "If I had someplace to go, I could easily find it. Now are you here to help me, or tease me?" "Why not both?" The shrunken head called from the drivers side. "Right then... But I don't have any money, and I'm assuming you don't make a living off of giving people free rides..." he said sarcastically.

"I can start Ya' a tab." "Alright then... but where will I go?" "Wheree'er you need to be I suppose" Draco looked back in the direction of his old house before stepping aboard the bus.

Several minutes later the bus jolted to a stop, throwing Draco to the front of the bus unceremoniously. He peeled himself off of the glass and brushed himself off, as this was a habit he'd picked up over the years whenever he was Embarrassed.

He stepped off the bus and looked around. He was in a muggle neighborhood  with buildings 11 and 13 on either side of him "bloody muggles got off on their counting" he mumbled. Within seconds a small black, shaggy house revealed itself and a large black dog walked out. The Dog barked at Draco as soon as it saw him. 

" Stupid dog." He muttered, the dog leaped at Draco "I'm sorry I'm sorry... I've just had a long day... My Father just disowned me and I have no place to go and I'm rather quite hungry, I'm very thirsty from crying for several hours and a Bus just dropped me here and I dont know why..." Draco ranted quickly, Draco jumped when the door of number 12 opened, revealing a familiar face "padfoot? Why is it taking so long to fetch the mai- draco? What are you doing here?"  "Professor? Um... I was just wandering around and found this dog, Is he yours professor?" "Yes, Malfoy... he is." He muttered darkly "now, What are you really doing here? Come to spy on the order for You-know-who?" "N-no... I wouldn't-" "DON'T LIE TO ME" Remus shouted "Please, sir. I promise-" Remus held his wand pointedly towards Draco. "How did you even get here, you Death eater?!?" "I swear I don't even know where I am... a magical bus just dropped me off here and I dont even Know why! Sir just let me go and I promise I won't bother you again! Please..." he begged pitifully. "Tch..." he lowered his wand

"Thank you sir." He turned to leave but stopped "Do you by any chance have a box big enough for a human to fit in?" "I KNEW IT! MURDERER!" "NO! I don't kill... I wont... I... I just..." his voice trailed off  "I need something to sleep in for the night that'll keep me dry from the rain, sir" he practically whispered, looking at the ground, his precious dignity shattering more by the moment. "You... you what?" "Please dont make me repeat myself. I had a hard enough time getting it out the first time." He said, straightening his now dirty robes, though he knew they were stained, he brushed them off with his hands again. "If you do not have a box large enough... Then I shall take my leave, goodbye professor." He turned to leave again, but felt a strong hand on his shoulder. He flinched at the touch and quickly turned towards the person, ready to defend himself. It was a tall man with long, wavy brown hair and a moustache. "Please,Stay. This is my house and there's plenty of room for another person, in fact... My godson could use someone his age to hangout with... What did you say your name was again?" Sirius said, having changed into his human form. "But sir-" "no buts. The Knights bus brought you here for a reason." "But Padfoot... He's a death eater!" Draco flinched and turned away again. "If you don't have a box, Ill just be on my way..." he said, voice cracking.

He walked away, finding his way to a muggle park nearby and sitting on one of the benches. He pulled off his top robe and folded it into what faintly resembled a pillow and he laid down.

He had been asleep for about 30 minutes when Loud thunder awoke him and soon it was pouring rain. He shivered, and walked over to the playground and sat underneath it, settling against a thick pole holding up the section of the play area... he held himself high, As if he were sitting on a throne rather than the damp splinters of the playgrounds floor... he was soon asleep despite the violence of the storm raging around him. He woke up early the next morning and stood up, banging his head on the playground above him. He bent over and ducked out from under the playground and began wandering about, oblivious to the world around him.

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