My assistant (part 1)

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(A/N: Because this is my first story then this will be some kind of Fluff. And there will be part 2 of it because I'm typing this in night and I'm sleepy as hell. Welp, hope you guys like it~)

-(Y/N)'s PoV-
I really excited and nervous at the same time! Why? It's because I get to work at the Phantomhive's mansion! I've been dreaming to work there.

I take a deep breath and step in front of the gates. Surprisingly, a tall butler with a crimson red eyes suddenly appear "Ah, you must be ms. (Y/N), Come in." He said as he open the gates for me (Is there any gates around of Ciel's mansion? I forgot tho) I step in and look around; where there is a beautiful garden around the mansion. The butler lead me into the big mansion. He opens the door for me and my eyes widen in amusement because of how amazing and big the inside of the mansion. I mouthed a 'wow' as I look around "Now, I'll inform the young master that you are here. Meanwhile, Mey-rin will help you with changing your outfit." He said with a sweet smile on his face 'Wait... Did he said 'young master'?' I question myself in thought "Mey-rin!" He shout and suddenly a girl, with a pink hair and round glasses on and wear a maid dress, stumble in from the other room "Y-yes Sebastian??" She asks as she look at me, realizing I was there "Can you help ms. (Y/N) with her outfit for a while?" Sebastian say as he puts his hand on my shoulder and I gives her a small smile. She seems to be surprised at the moment but then she said "Alright! I'll choose you a beautiful dress, oh yes I will!" And with that she pull my hand into the wardrobe (Is it wardrobe? I'm not really sure, I'm not a historical kid.-.) And I pick myself a nice dress to wear.

-Ciel's PoV-
I look at the paper in my hand '(Y/N) (L/N)...' I focused my eyes on the photo. 'She look very sweet...' I smack my head with my hand, snapping me out from my thought 'What the bloody hell am I thinking?!' I whisper quietly. Then, knocks on my door chimes through the room "Young master? Ms. (Y/N) is here." My butler, Sebastian say from the other side. "Alright..." I say plainly. I dump my head on my table.

'I think I'll fall for her...'

{To be continue~}

(A/N: Aweee, so how is it? Sorry if it's cringe or too short ;-; I promised I'll make the part 2 very soon enough...
Kay' that's all for today's story, bai my lovely chingus~)

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