Whilst Kayley walked the child back to his home and talk to his mother, Athos and Porthos had words with his father, explaining how he should never ever lay his hands on a woman, let alone his wife; they tried to make him realise that if his son is seeing this at a young age, he wouldn't know any better. Did they have to hit him a few times because he got too mouthy or aggressive?? Yes. Athos, being the Captain, decided to keep the man in the cell for a day or two, making him realise what his future is if he continued to batter his wife. After that, they returned to the Garrison where D'artagnan and Aramis were training with the cadets; they joined them. Thirty minutes later, Kayley walked through the gates and was greeted by her brothers; they asked how the mother and son were "they'll be fine, I told Damian's mother to inform one of us if her husband hits her or does anything violent towards them again, as well as told Damian to never pull a gun out on someone". They all ate some food whilst the eighteen year old began to train; everyone watched when something caught Aramis's attention, making him smirk; it was Derek. He had just entered the Garrison and smiled once he saw his girlfriend; he leant against a wall and watched for a while longer before the teenager herself noticed him. Smiling, Kayley stopped what she was doing and jogged over to the Prince; they greeted one another with grins and hugs. "What are you doing here?? Shouldn't you be at the Palace??" the musketeer asked, although she was happy she got to see him again "yes, but I wanted to see you" was his reply "besides, the Palace was boring and quiet, so I'd much rather spend it in town with you". Kayley chuckled as she found it adorable "that's sweet but I have training to do, with myself and the cadets, then I have musketeer chores" she sighed "by the time I'm done, it'll be pretty late". Derek hummed to show he was listening before smiling "okay...while you train, both with the cadets and yourself, I'll do the chores you have to do" the teen raised a brow before smirking "I'm not sure, do Princes know how to do chores??" she teased, earning a playful glare "yes actually" he stated "all of the years of cleaning my own room, looking after my own horses and helping the servants and maids can confirm it". Chuckling, Kayley reassured him that he didn't have to do the chores, but the man shook his head "if it means we can spend time with one another afterwards, then I am more than happy to" he declared; Kayley quickly wrote down all of the chores onto a small scrap of paper and handed it over "have fun" she joked before returning to training. Chuckling, Derek took off his jacket as he read the list "clean Sam's stable, help with the dishes, check on the food supplies, check on the weapons, prepared breakfast for the next morning so that it just has to be heated over the fire" he nodded to himself "shouldn't be too hard".

The chores were relatively easy for the Prince; if he didn't know where something was, he would just ask. All of the musketeers and cadets were kind and generous of course, more than happy to help the man. Kayley continued training, taking five minute breaks every so often to check on her boyfriend and to get a drink. The four male musketeer teased her of course, earning playful glared and duels; Derek always found it amusing and cute, especially when the teasing made his girlfriend blush. Eventually the training and chores were completed around six O clock; all of the cadets had left and the male musketeers had gone to the tavern. "So where to now??" Derek asked as they threw on their cloaks "you tell me, you're the one who did three hours worth of chores just to spend time with me" Kayley smiled as they left the Garrison. The Prince gently grasped the woman's hand, planting a loving kiss on it as he thought "hmm....how about we return to the Palace?? We could take a late night stroll in the gardens, get something to eat from the kitchen....and maybe you could....stay the night this time??" he suggested; it all sounded incredible!! But...Kayley wasn't sure about the "stay the night" part. "That sounds great Derek, but...I'm not sure I'm ready about...you know..." the Prince understood exactly what she was talking about, chuckling slightly "what??" Kayley asked with a raised brow. "Kayley, my love....I want you to stay the night so that we can spend more time together and that way you won't have to leave late at night" he explained before clarifying his statement further "it in no way means that I want to sleep with you in that way". Smiling, Kayley stopped and wrapped her arms around the Princes neck, pulling him down for a kiss; the man placed his hands on the teens waist. "What was that for??" Derek asked, although it wasn't unwelcomed "for being amazing" she stated "any man would have left me because I didn't want to have sex...but you" she paused for a moment "you're okay with it" it seemed so strange to her. Derek nodded as he hugged her "true, but most men aren't absolutely in love with you" he smiled "...I'll wait on you for as long as you want Kayley, you're in change of what happens because I only want you to be happy". Beginning to walk again, the two just began to walk aimlessly, or so Derek thought until they reached the B&B "what are we doing here??" he asked in confusion. Kayley smirked as they began to enter the building "I'll need a few things if I'm staying the night with you" the mans face lit up instantly, making his girlfriend smile as it was just the cutest thing!! Entering the room, the man sat on the bed for a few minutes whilst Kayley packed her small bag with a few things; her night clothes, hair brush and hair ribbons. The Prince then realised that the musketeer didn't have very must at all; he hoped to change that soon. "Got all you need??" he asked as he stood up earning a nod "yup, everything one would need for a sleepover" she joked. After locking the door, the two left the B&B after Kayley let Constance not to worry about her not returning later that night; the woman nodded with a nod "okay, have fun". The young couple returned to the Garrison and saddled Sam up before jumping onto his back; Derek wrapped his arms around the womans waist, as well as held onto her bag.

Eventually, they reached the Palace and handed Sam over to one of the stable boys; hand in hand, they entered the large and grand building, wondering down many different halls before reaching the mans chambers. "You moved rooms??" Kayley asked earning a nod "since I'm staying here permanently, the King and Queen decided I should have my own chamber" he explained as the woman rested her bag, cloak and weapons on a chair. Derek's stomach rumbled rather loudly so they decided to take a trip down to the kitchen; one their way down, they bumped into the Queen. "Kayley?! What are you doing here??" the woman asked with a smile, showing she was happy to see the musketeer; Derek explained that she was going to stay the night "if that's okay with you Anne??". The Queen chuckled as she nodded "of course,  you two are a couple now" she reassured before leaving for her own chambers; the two continued until they reached the kitchen. After filling a basket with different fruits, sweets, bits of meat and two bottles of alcohol, the couple made their way back to the room. They were going to go for a walk in the gardens as mentioned earlier, but as they entered the Palace, it began to rain cats and dogs. Once in the Princes room, they placed a blanket on the floor near the window, along with many pillows before setting the basket in the centre; they sat next to one another after changing into some comfortable clothes. The two ate, drank, spoke, joked and laughed for a few hours until they were lay against the mountain of pillows, arms wrapped around one another. Derek realised that his girlfriend breath had evened out; she had fallen asleep. Smiling, the Prince carefully stood up with the musketeer in his arms and made his way over to the bed; he lay her down before blowing out all of the candles and pulling the curtains shut. After that, he joined Kayley in bed, pulling the blankets up to cover them boy before wrapping his arms around her again; the musketeer snuggled into his chest. Derek gently placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered "good night my love" before soon, he joined her in the land of dreams.

With the male musketeers, they had been in the tavern most of the night; they would have wondered where Kayley was so late but once they returned to the B&B, Constance reassured them that she was with Derek at the Palace. "That's not very reassuring" Aramis mumbled earning chuckled from his friends and boyfriend "relax Aramis, I doubt Kayley will be doing anything with Derek for a while due to her past" Athos mentioned, patting him on the back. They split up and entered their own rooms to get some sleep as it was well past midnight.

She's Back (Sequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon