“Shh, fine, I’ll tell you.” I could feel her listening in suspense, waiting to find out, what could I do but blurt it out.

“I have to marry the man I slapped.” I whispered.

Ok, after this, I’m not sure what happened. For a moment I thought Caroline had fainted, but scratch that, she was laughing her head off.

“Oh my God! What? No way. What will your parents say?” she asked, but how could she find this amusing, I was literally terrified.

“That’s the thing, you can’t tell them. They can’t know I’m getting married.” My voice was pleading for her to keep quiet.

“Fine, I won’t say anything if…”

“If what?” I snapped, my patience was running thin.

“If I get to be bridesmaid.” She giggled.

Unbelievable, to be honest I didn’t even know if the Blake’s would agree to it anyway. It wasn’t decided properly yet, but Caroline’s already signed up for being bridesmaid. Typical.

“Yeah, whatever, you can, now don’t say a word.”

“My lips are sealed.” She said and several things happened at once, the door flew open and there was instant chatter. It was Nathan and this other man with jet black hair, and dark brown eyes, talking to him.

“Look, Thomas, shut up. You heard mother” Nathan told the other man and he shut up, and looked offended. I hadn’t hung up on Caroline so I could here her calling ‘Belle’ from my phone.

Nathan looked at me, he looked fine now. No more tears, but a smile on his handsome face.

“I talked to my mother. She agrees to help fulfil my dad’s last wish.” He said really slowly, like I was some 5 year.

“I understand,” I replied in confidence, but really I felt like I wanted to throw a tantrum. Hmm, maybe I am like a 5 year old.

“But, my parents can’t find out. If they do, they’ll never allow it.” I pleaded.

He chuckled, and it was a pleasant sound, to see him laugh. But how could he act so cool, after his dad died and he had to marry me?

“Why did you agree to it in the first place?” he challenged, but by my look, he explained further. “This morning, when I asked, I got hit.” Rubbing his cheek, to remind me, but I remembered very clearly. “But now-“

“It’s because I keep my promises” I answered, but it was true, to this day I hadn’t broke a promise. I was an honest girl and breaking a promise to someone is heart breaking, I’d hate it if someone broke a promise to me.

“I understand, and ok, you parents won’t be informed. That means they won’t be there at the wedding.” He said, his hands in his pockets and swinging back and forth on his heal.

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