three !

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"LET ME GIVE YOU my number before you go, just to stay in touch." I grabbed Scott's arm gently. Everyone was starting to leave at this point and maybe I wouldn't be seeing him for some time until I decide to go back to school. I feel like at this point I just need a friend who was very close to my brother and understood.

My brother never gave me an exact reason as to why I wasn't aloud to hang with his friends. I mean other than Bryce Walker. Well not really. I knew who Bryce was and I knew he was a perv. My brother never had to tell me twice to stay away from him. I just knew.

"Oh yeah, got pen and paper?" He asked with a smile.

"Just a sec." I had forgotten I had his arm in my grasp, but I let go of it the minute I went to the kitchen.

Scott had followed me anyways to the kitchen. I started going through one of our drawers and I found a sharpie and a piece of computer paper, well half of one. I'm guessing it's been used for one half.

I had first wrote my name and put the hashtag sign and put my number over it. I folded the half paper twice before handing it to him.

"Thanks and it was nice talking to you, again." I was about to ask him what he meant until someone had walked in calling me name.

"Hey Dillon. Scott." Another male voice had said. I turned my head to the direction of the voice only to see Clay.

"Hey Clay." I walked up to him giving him a hug.

Jeff and Clay seemed to be really close even though it started by Clay tutoring Jeff. In return, Jeff gave Clay advice on girls aka Hannah Baker. I'm not good friends with Clay exactly, but we knew each other and it seemed right to hug him. Including he came to visit in the hospital a couple of times

"How's your arm?" He asked quietly.

"It's fine, really." I looked behind me to see if Scott was still there which he was surprisingly just sitting down in a chair.

"Uh, what's going on in here?" Clay asked. I'm guessing he knows whatever it was Jeff didn't want me around these boys.

"Scotty and I were just talking, why?" I took a glance at Scott seeing that he was now listening to what we were talking about.

"Just asking, can we talk later instead?" Clay said. I nodded my head.

I went back to we're Scott was before speaking again.

"What did you mean by again?" I asked him.

"Well like there was those times we'd run into each other around the house, you know. We'd say a few words." He shrugged. Oh, how could I forget?

"Right sorry. I forgot." I shook my head. That's weird, I don't really remember.

"Yeah well I better start going." He stood up from his seat.

"Yeah of course. Talk later I guess." I walked with him to the door before saying bye.

Once everyone left completely I went to my room and checked my phone. I go through some apps before checking my messages seeing that I had a few from a number. I'm assuming that it's Scott.


it's scott btw
so i'm not some

lol i figured

oh okay then

talk ab weird

haha, can i
ask sum

what ?

when will u
come back to
school or when
u think you'll
be ready to

a few days i'm

cool well i'm
gonna head to
bed. sweet dreams

you too

yes, this was short. It's going kinda slow but will get there. will update asap okay ? okay

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