lets hear it for the weekend

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saturdays at the scp foundation were a new layer of hell.

nobody had saturday off, but half the scientists called in "sick" and some faked being dead just to go on their fuckin vacation to the dominican republic.

but dr. iceberg stayed there. cursing his past self for this bullshit.

"i remember being enticed by this job. flexible hours? high pay? interesting working conditions? i've only gotten like mandatory jobs, 20 hour days, less than minimum wage, and ... well, it is pretty interesting here. but i want to be fucking paid higher. i should engage Bright in either conversation or a fucking duel and get some more money" iceberg thought. he was as sneaky as a mouse.

pulling up his fucking kermit the frog scarf, he left the room.

"hey 'draki, clef. where's bright at" he asked

"you think WE know?! he hasn't texted us in like, 5 hrs. and normally he doesnt reply to us for like 3 hours but hey lol 5 hours is a bit much" clef said

"ok ill go check on him. since its saturday i dont have to do work until like 3 pm" iceberg said

iceberg wandered off towards bright's room. the closer he got, the more sluggish he felt. he was in a decent mood but talking to doctor jack bright was Such. A. Chore. the man couldn't even keep his attention on what the other people were saying. he would vaguely reply with a HAHA or an "mmhm" and go back to his daydreams about anime girls. and talking to him about a fucking raise. oh my god. well regardless of how ICEBERG felt, he soldiered on through the hall and finally reached bright's office.

"BRIGHT. JACK BRIGHT. OPEN THE DOOR." he shouted, pouding on the door

no immediate reply. a few minutes of pounding on the door resulted in dr GEARS walking over.

"Excuse me Mr. Iceberg. Could you not make such a racket at this time." he said

"bright wont come out of the room"

"Alright just use this skeleton keycard. It's like a normal keycard but it can open random doors. No, not all the doors. Just random ones. And I know Mr. Bright's door opens with it. Please give it back once you have successfully finished your business with him." gears said, walking away.

iceberg shoved the keycard in and waited. the door slid open instantly. in went iceberg.

"BRIGHT i'm in the room now. you can't hide from me." iceberg said.

there was bright, sitting in the dark corner of his room, beats headphones on, playing Osu! on his fucking alienware computer. he specifically bought that using the funds that dr. gears gave to him for his 'little research project.' iceberg wanted him to mess up so badly but he knew that bright was pretty good at osu. how?

so once in like, [date redacted], bright got this giant research paper to do. coincidentally, iceberg was assigned one too. bright had just installed osu and was about to be getting tutoring lessons. 'what a bother!' is what he said when he got the shitty assignment. after the meeting, bright pulled iceberg aside and smiled.

"dude. i seriously cannot do this stupid paper. i paid like, 400 dollars for that damn osu tutoring course and im Going to be a pro. listen 'berg! i entered the osu master championship and it's this weekend. i can't lose because the reward is like 1500 dollars and that can pay a few months of rent." bright explained. and with that fucking devilish grin. iceberg had to write TWO different research papers on various scp behaviors and actions. oh my god. iceberg wondered what he even paid rent to. he didn't have a house? he would inquire about that later ..

a typical week at the scp foundationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن