"You've done a great job with her, Lucario. She's a real killer." He laughed and turned back around. I stared at my father. He gave me the signal. When he nodded his head I let her go. She started breathing rapidly and tried to calm herself down. As she sat down I pushed in her chair. She lurched forward and grabbed the table in front of her. I gently set her knife next to her fork. "She ended it as soon as it began. Wow, what an impressive speed. I've never seen anyone reach that point."

"She's gifted, Marcos." My Dad said smiling. A rare occasion. "She always has been."

"I wonder how'd she fare against Luca?" Marcos smiled, but this time it was devilish. He wanted a competition. It was like the sight of me fight and beating his kids. Brought him joy. "I mean, Brittney was like nothing. I've truly never seen that talent."

"Maybe someday," my father said glancing at me. "In a more formal fighting setting."

"Yes, please," Lily said. "I'm tired of fighting at the dinner table."

The parents dragged on talking about the past. How wrong of me to judge the dinner so quickly. In retrospect the dinner was not boring at all. It was dramatic and fun. I got to prove myself to the Alpha who is the hardest to please. Additionally, I put Brittney in her place. She still trembled from my unexpected power. She glanced at me and nudged Damian.

"That's what you get for picking a fight, Brittney."

Luca flickered his eyes at me again. I scoffed and went back to eating my meal. I was sick of his looks. They were irritating and repulsive. Only the devil would make me want to tear away from Asher. Dickhead. I started stabbing my plate a little too hard. Mike grabbed my hand. I took a deep breath and gently ate my food.


"The desert was delightful, Lily," my mom said setting her napkin on the table. "If you don't mind, I haven't seen the living quarters since they were renovated. I'd love to see what you did."

Lily, Marcos and my parents stood up to go upstairs. Marcos looked back at Brittney and Damian. He stretched his neck towards the door. Brittney scowled as she and Damian followed them. I stood with Mike and Quinn.

"You guys go ahead. I'll catch up, but I think I need to refill this." I laughed, but Mike lowered his eyes. He was just becoming a teenager when I had my bout of alcohol. He remembered it like a wounded that hadn't healed. He walked away, catching up with the group.

Luca had escaped to god knows where before dinner ended. He just asked to leave and, poof, he was gone. Quinn grabbed my wrist and spun me around. She practically got it out of me with her bold stare and her blonde locks falling over her eyes. She had this way with getting information out of me.

"What the hell happened earlier," she said. "What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that Brittney threatened me, and I wasn't going to back down in front of everyone." I pulled my wrist out of her grasp. I was tired of being held down for the day. I swiftly pivoted to the kitchen. In my mind I imagined her rolling her eyes behind me. I didn't have to imagine, really. She always did it. "Look I'm sorry if what I did embarrassed you. Let's just be glad that one of Rose's playmates wanted to hangout tonight, and she didn't have to see that. I can't imagine how scared she'd be."

"You know that's not what I'm talking about," I ignored her and pushed through the kitchen. The opened bottle of Pinot sat on the kitchen counter. Cooks and maids disappeared. So that's where they were the whole time. I shrugged and started pouring. "What are you going to ignore me now?"

"You're not my mother, Quinn, so please for this once can you back off?"

"How would your mother feel?" She said crouching next to me as I set the glass down. "How would she feel if she knew that you were licking lips with the soon to be Alpha?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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