Chapter Three

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I let my hair fall as I curled it.

Mom invited Quinn and me to dinner. Turns out all the dads and sons were planning on having dinner together after the basketball banquet. My mom has issues with some other moms on the team and their drama, so she used us as a scapegoat to not go.

"You ready?" Quinn leaned against the door way. She wore ripped skinny jeans and a red velvet top. Her hair was straightened and pulled back by a lace hair band. I made a funny face in the mirror so she could see my reaction. She smiled and laughed.

"My best friend is looking pretty hot right now," I said shutting off the curler. I walked out of my bathroom and into my closet. I grabbed a pair of ripped jeans as well and a striped crop top. "If you can't beat them, join them."

Quinn laughed and handed me my purse and phone. We left the house and drove down the dark roads. The moonlight was the only thing lighting up the blackened night. Now that winter had successfully approached, our six o'clock meals felt like eight o'clock ones. The sun refused to shine as we covered ourselves in heavy jackets.

I pulled into a parking lot on the edge of the city. Quinn texted someone with fast fingers. First a red headed woman came out of the brick building in front, and then a small blonde headed child raced towards my car. Her looks were just like Quinn's. The older she got the more she became like Quinn.

Rose jumped in the back of the car filled with excitement. Quinn handed the nanny her pay.

"Hello Aunty Rhiannon," Rose said in a high pitched voice. I waved at her as we pulled back out of the parking lot. "Are we going to eat? I'm starving."

"Heck yeah, Rose," I nodded. The street lights started to help my vision as we got into the heart of the city. She smiled from the back seat as we cruised down the streets. "My moms going to treat us all to some Italian." She smiled even bigger. I didn't believe it was possible, but she found a way.

When we pulled into the parking lot, my mom was waiting in her car for us. We all got out and headed in. People all quietly ate and drank fancy meals. Some were in groups of five plus. They all wore suits and had clean shaven faces. Probably elite politicians. I reside within the capital district of them all. A few hours from the city is a huge castle that virtually no one has been to in years. That's where the Alpha King lives.

Just down the block, from the restaurant, is a business building where many conventions are held. I wouldn't be surprised if these men and women were also staying there. Rose ogled at some of the guys who sat there. Quinn also shamelessly admired the view. I just chuckled and sat at our table.

"How are you ladies today," my mom piped in. She smiled and grabbed Roses hand. Ever since their father left, my mom really helped and kicked into Motherly overdrive. She was determined to take care of Quinn and Rose at all costs. She knew how rough they had it without parental figures around.

Rose told us all about how day care was super fun. She got to play with all her friends who happen to be all boys. She's an extreme Tom-boy. She loves everything the boys do. Funny thing is, she dresses in a very girly fashion and is very picky about her outfits. I admire her individuality. Even at four she knows who she is and isn't mad about it.

Mom apparently hated the basketball meet. All they did was go over the trips and tournaments my brother would partake in the next year. When Mom mentioned that she almost fell asleep at the table, Rose laughed. Her silly young voice broke through the quiet, peaceful, air and penetrated it with joy. I couldn't help but join her myself.

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