Chapter Four

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"You know I really don't want to go, right?" I turned with haste to catch Quinn's reaction. She frowned, adorned in her gorgeous outfit. Her hair was curled in feather sized strands. I straightened mine to contrast against her and let my hair shine down my exposed back. "My parents are just forcing me to go."

"You have to be kidding me," she said slipping on her heals. She scoffed at my remark. "You are the luckiest girl on earth." She stood and smoothed her skirt. Taking her clutch, she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me down.

A tall, lanky, but slightly muscular figure approached the bottom of the stairs. His bright green eyes perked up immediately. I waved and hugged him.

"Big sister, you clean up well," he jokingly punched my arm. He then held his hands up in surrender. "Mom did say to treat the both of you like glass vases. These outfits were apparently made of gold."

Quinn and I glanced at each other. We laughed and entered the kitchen. My mom smiled as we came in. My dad analyzed my exposed thighs like a clear bag of meth. It's like a screen on his forehead just screamed Danger. His pupils sharpening on my legs made me switch positions so the black cloth covered them again. He huffed and stood straight as if he won a fight.

We headed out the door within a few minutes. Mom was frantic. Hair? I told her it was fine. Matching clothes? She looked pretty good for a Mom, but she refused to stop panicking. Then she went on long sessions with my father. What if they don't like us? What if we changed too much? What if the kids don't get along? My dad gripped the wheel.

I stared out of the window practically the entire time. The pine trees had faded into a deep blue green under the night sky. The moon was so bright, it lit the road without the help of light-posts. The round disk of white called to me.

Yes, I am a werewolf, and yes it's cliche; however, I can't help but feel connected with the moon. We don't shift on full moons like the stereotypes say, and we don't howl at the moon like idiots. I just feel calm and peaceful when I see it. It's so constant. Life is full of twists and turns, yet the moon carries on like the night before and all the ones before that. It's nice to know I have something to count on.

The car rolled to a slow stop. There was a gate ahead with torches on either side. A pair of guards walked up to the car. They were built with muscle and an intimidating demeanor. The one stared us all down. When my dad flashed him our invitation he motioned for the second guard to back off as he pulled a lever to activate the gate.

We slowly rolled through. The guards silently watched us pass by. The castle was straight ahead. It was elevated on an erect piece of land that Jutted out from a mountain side. Every where you looked there were trees. Most were evergreen, but some were normal trees that had barren branches with the absence of leaves. It was the most mesmerizing sight. The vast view was breath taking.

We pulled into a white brick drive way. The gold light of a line of lamps lit the path. I don't know what I expected. I think I thought I'd see maids and butlers running a muck as we pulled in. I mean it is a castle. All that lied ahead was another pair of guards. These ones were not heavily armed, and seemed to be friendly.

We parked at the foot of the long marble stair case leading to the dark oak entrance way. A man greeted my dad in a tuxedo and I swear he popped up from no where. He took the keys and drove off with the car. I looked a Quinn whose eyes were searching everywhere. I had to gently take my hand and lift her chin. This bitch was about to drool.

My mom took my hand as we made our way up the wide stair case. She smiled and nodded at my father who raised a brow at the guards ahead. I glanced at Mike in confusion. He just shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk.

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