"You were drawing something, dirty." Yusuke teased.

"I was not!" Kimi blushed even more.

"Leave her alone, you idiots." Hiei growled, that was odd for him, sticking up for a human.

Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at him with wide eyes and they both grinned like total morons. "Hiei has a crush!" Kuwabara sang in an annoying scratchy tone that even had Kimi cringing.


Kuwabara was flat on his back in an instant and a massive bump was forming on his head. Kimi stared wide eyed.

"Note to self, do not piss him off." She squeaked.

Hiei smirked at this.

"Allow us to walk you home." I smiled and offered her my hand to pull her to her feet.

She blushed again but gathered her things and stuffed them into her messenger bag before grabbing my hand and allowing me to help her to her feet. "You really don't have to, I'll be okay."

"We insist." Yusuke smiled and then I sensed it, a strong demonic aura somewhere nearby, he was close and probably watching.

Everyone tensed around me as they sensed it too. We had to get Kimi to safety before he noticed her, she would probably be a treat for him; she was beautiful, sweet and pure. She attempted to pull her hand from mine once she was on her feet but I held onto her with a smile causing her to blush again.

"Aren't you cold out here?" Yusuke asked as he took notice of her apparel, her arms were bare and there was a chill in the air.

Kimi blushed again, "I'm okay."

I shrugged out of my jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "Here, wear my jacket."

"Oh, Shuichi I don't want you to get cold." She protested.

"It's fine, Kimi." I led her out of the park and everyone trailed around us, so she was guarded from all angles.

"Is something wrong? You all seem a bit tense." Kimi pointed looking to each of us curiously.

"It's dangerous for a girl to be out at night so close to the city." Yusuke covered quickly trying not to alarm her.

Kimi smiled, "I've not had any problems yet, I come out here all the time."

"Stay inside for awhile, please." Kuwabara piped in, no as subtly.

"Why? What's going on?" Kimi paled.

"It's just not safe right now."

Kimi turned to me her beautiful blue green eyes filled with worry, "Are you guys in trouble? Is there something I can do to help?" She was such a sweet girl.

"No, we're just worried about you, so please promise us you won't go out on your own." I implored her seriously.

She paused as if considering it, but smiled sadly, "Alright, I'll remain on house arrest and won't leave my house by myself, if it will make you all feel better."

"Yes, thank you. I'll come over in the morning and walk to school with you." I smiled as we arrived at a small white farmhouse with a beautiful flower garden, with two beautiful cherry blossom trees and a small koi pond.

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