I was still on live when Zion came into the room. He saw the comments to and just giggled and ended my live.

"Caleb Zion Kuwonu" I said glaring at him

"Yes bebe" He said looking at me as innocently as he could

I just pointed to my neck and he giggled again and said "Hey I gotta mark whats mine"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. We headed downstairs to wait for Nick and Lauren to be done getting ready.

*Nick's POV*

After everyone left mine and Lauren's room, we made our bed and just layed down. We have our usual morning talks before we do anything. It was honestly one of my favorite parts of the day because I love when we cuddle up and just talk. it felt like we started every day with a positive attitude. After we were done I then jumped up and decided to shower quickly.

"Babeeeeee" I said peeking out of the bathroom door

"Yeah?" Lauren said from the closet

"Wanna join?" I said with a smirk

Lauren squinted her eyebrows together before running into the bathroom to join me. We both got out of the shower and we got ready together. This was an everyday thing. I would do my hair while Lauren did hers. Then Lauren would do her makeup while I just stood in awe watching her do it. I would try to help her acting like I knew what I was doing but in reality I did not know what a contour was.

"Babe can you do me a huge favor" Lauren asked while finishing her makeup


"Can you go in the closet and get my clothes I had layed out"

"Uh no" I said

Lauren looked at me confused

"Why the fuck not" She said laughing

"Can I pick out ur outfit" I said pouting

"UGH WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE FINE GO" She said shewing me away

I decided to actually try and pick out a dope ass outfit for my girl. I came back with black shorts and my long sleeved white champions shirt. I brought her white Air Force ones too.

"OUUUUU okay baby wow, you actually did very good" Lauren said pecking me

"I mean what can I sayyyy" I said

"Nick go out I gotta change" Lauren said

"Nah I wanna watch" I said sitting back with my hands behind my head

"Ur soooooo ugh" Lauren said just shaking her head

I chuckled and watched her. She was done changing and we unintentionally kinda matched. I was wearing a white shirt with black basketball shorts. She took a picture of us cause duh were cute asf. We then finally headed downstairs.

*Zion's POV*

"FINALLY THERE DONE" I screamed running to the kitchen to begin the pretty brunch

Edwin grabbed his phone heading into our band account on twitter to let everyone know that were about to go live.

"Alright were live!!" Brandon said

"Damn top live already! YOOO" I said

"Whats going on everyoneeee" Edwin said

We haven't done a pretty brunch in literally forever so the fans were going crazy. I grabbed the phone and took over giving everyone a breakdown of what was about to go down

"Yo yo yo, comin at you with all the hits is DJ MOTHAFUCKIN NICK" I said turning the camera towards nick while he was dancing to God's Plan

"And these are mine and nicks beautiful girl friends, say hi guys" I said walking over to Emily and Lauren who were talking on the couch

"Hiiii" They both said waving to everyone as I giggled and headed back into the kitchen

"LETS GET THIS STARTED ESKETITTTTT" I Said passing the phone to Brandon

I walked over to Lauren and Emily.

"Babe and Lauren" I said

"Yes" Emily said laughing

"COME JOIN" I said grabbing both of their hands and pulling them into the kitchen

"Like Zion already said, these are mine and his beautiful girlfriends and if you guys don't mind there gonna be joining us today" Nick said to the phone while hugging Lauren

We read the comments and everyone was flipping out with happiness cause they loved Emily and Lauren.

*Lauren's POV*

After being dragged by Zion into the kitchen, I was now sitting on nicks lap. we were reading some comments while the guys cooked in the background.

"@ solitazion says Zion would you care to explain what you and Emily were doing this morning" I read from the screen laughing cause Emilys hickey was noticeable from a block away


Zion walks up to the phone and flips off the camera while Emily is just shaking her head in the background

"Heyyyyy no need to be rude Caleb" nick said


"@ pettymuc.h says Lauren I love ur outfit!, Aw thank you" I say responding

"I PICKED IT OUTTTTT" Nick says getting up to do a little happy dance then bending down to kiss me

"Oh shit I gotta change the song" Nick says not realizing gods plan has been on repeat for maybe 10 minutes

"Ur a bad DJ" Emily says pushing Nick to the side to take over

"OOOHH SHITTTTT THIS IS MY SONG" I say realizing Emily played mine and hers favorite song

We both hype each other up always. They boys made a circle around us as they were clapping and hyping us up to the song as we just started dancing to it

"OH DAMN THAT MY GIRL" Zion said to Emily


The song ended with all of us just hyping each other up like crazy.

"Damn we go so hard" Edwin said wiping the sweat off his forehead

"Ive worked up an appetite" Austin says as we all decide to bring the food we made to the table so we could all eat

"Well guys I hope you all had fun with us and were definitely going to do these more often again" Brandon said

"Get in, get in" Zion said as he pulled Emily on his lap as nick did the same to me so we could all be in the final screenshot

We ended the live and ate our breakfast which was pretty cold since we spent over 2 hours dancing. Once we were all done we cleaned up and decided to go shopping for a little bit.

Once we came home from shopping it was actually pretty late. I headed upstairs to put all my clothes away and everyone else did the same. Then Zion and Emily came in mine and Nicks room and we were just chatting. Late night talks are the best. Nick ended up passing out in my lap and I couldn't help but take a picture. This was how we loved to end every night.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry that we haven't posted on here in a while. School is finally done so expect more posts! Hope you enjoyed ❤️

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