New apartment

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•Chapter 2•

Arianna's POV

The next morning i took a shower and put on a light blue crop top with "WILD" written on it in white letters, black short shorts, black boots and my black leather jacket. I put on light makeup (mascara, lipgloss and eyeliner), and let my hair down naturally.

I put the clothes I had thrown around the room, into my backpack. I looked at the clock and it was 10 am.
I took my helmet, keys, phone and backpack and left the room.
When I got to the lobby, I saw an old man there and not an stupid hormonal boy, which made me a little bit happy. Not much though, because I'm not often happy.

I gave the old man my keys to the motelroom and left the motel on my beautiful motorcycle.
I needed to find myself a new apartment soon, and I had enough money to buy an apartment, furniture, clothes and some new training things.


After a few hours riding on my motorcycle all the way to Mason City, Iowa (A/N: is that even the right state? Anyone that live there?), I found an apartment that was okay. I bought it as soon as I found out that there was a high school only an hour away.
Since the apartment was in the bad side of town it would take a long time to walk to the school.
I could just take my motorcycle to school so it wouldn't take so long to get there.

After I unpacked a few of things I had with me, I decided to go to the mall so I could buy a few things to make the apartment look a little more...ehh... not-so-lonely ish?

~after Arianna has bought things at the mall~

I just came home from the mall, and I bought a few skinny jeans, shorts, t-shirts, 2 sweaters, a few things to the apartment and a pair of black boots. Cuz' mine was almost destroyed.

When I came home to the apartment, I hung up the new clothes in my closet and hung up a few new pictures on the wall of my room.
I suddenly got hot and I took of my leather jacket. When I took it of, something fell out of the pocket.
A flyer I got from the mall. It was about a gym. I took the flyer up and decided to google the name of the gym, and see if I could sign up.

I opend my laptop and searched:

Luke's gym, Iowa

The only thing I found out about the gym was that it was the best gym in the state, it had boxing classes and it wasn't for girls. It didn't actually matter if it was for girls or not because I was going there no matter what, and nothing was stopping me.

I then enrolled myself in Mason High School.
It was my first day tomorrow and I wasn't really nervous. If there was that whole cliche high school, with jocks, goths, cheerleaders and all that shit, I would probably change school.
If people pisses me off, then I had a big list of asses I needed to kick (not literally).
The only thing that makes me nervous is the thought of school TOMORROW!!

I mean I am a nice person, but when people pisses me off I may or may not break their arm...

I didn't want to think of school anymore so I changed into a tank top and shorts and went to bed.


Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes!

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