Chapter 45: Minimum

Start from the beginning

Emily spoke in, "Darrell, what are you getting him into? He may become distracted with all that music."

"Calm down, I know that it's frowned upon but this is just the way I do things and I prefer to keep my collaborators in sync with my actions. Besides, I think I have a good sense of picking the right music for the mood. Nathan, if you want to take a glimpse of a world in a new light then go ahead and wear those headphones. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to perform better too." Darrell smirked and proceeded to wear his own headphones, I hesitantly followed his actions and wore the headphones as well.

I didn't notice how loud the sound of raindrops was until I wore the headphones, everything became muffled, almost silent. It was quiet, the sounds of rain and thunder were distant now. As if I was inside my house during a rainstorm.

I looked over to Darrell who stretched out both of his arms and crossed them over, his palm facing forth against the silhouettes. His eyes sharp with a wide grin across his face, his fingers tensed and trembled as if they would pop out of his hand at any moment. "Play 'Floe' by Philip Glass". Darrell mumbled a command.

That's when the first few tones of sound came through the speakers, I was listening to Minimal music for the first time.

(Song name: Floe by Philip Glass)

Time slowed down, I could see every speck of raindrops around me. Lightning slowly coursed through the clouds at the distance, branching out its path like a tree to find the quickest way to the ground. I began reminiscing about my youth, I saw my uncle working in his usual workshop, I saw Zack eating with me at the local cafeteria, laughing and smiling. I look at the puddle below me, seeing my own reflection. Since when did my eyes become so exhausted and sapped of life?

Sometimes, you just need to clear your mind and enjoy the simple things in life.

Time returned back to its usual state, the rain showering relentlessly upon me. The song began to pick up the rhythm as a flash of lightning came and disappeared, soon followed by a loud thunder. The dark silhouettes began rushing towards us like a wave, I stretched out my hand again, readied to snap my fingers. I could hear Avis' muffled voice commanding us, "All frontal units, initiate the first barrage!"

I looked at Darrell as he quickly pulled his hands back, raindrops piling up in the clouds and none reaching the ground. He gestured his arms across each other and brought them close to his chest as if putting on a guarding pose, turning his hands into fists. The song now fluently synchronizing with the heavy rain and the thunderclouds, every instrument adding to the atmosphere of the environment.

With an Italien-Spanish accent, he exclaimed, "Pluit Ignem!" Before pulling his hands down, pumping up his chest and roaring with his voice sending trembling shivers down my spine. Ahead of me, I could see the raindrops start pouring downwards at incredible speed, hitting every Colorless in the area like bullets. It was similar to seeing multiple hydro cutters shooting downwards and cutting through everything, living or not. I was in awe, seeing the world anew, although the clouds were grey and the sky dark, I felt in peace.

I realized that this was my cue to attack as well, I stretched my left hand in front of me with my palm facing the sky and brought my right hand close to it. I snap my fingers on my right hand as a discharge of sparks came out and touched my palm, followed by a bolt of lightning falling from the sky and hitting my palm. There was a brief moment of shockwave all around me before I noticed that my hand was enveloped in electricity. I looked ahead at the few Colorless who were managing to dodge and blocking the raindrops from hitting them, I pointed my left hands towards them and focused as a small bolt of lightning flew out of my finger, traveled through the hundreds of raindrops in the sky and struck on the target I was pointing at, making them tremble and shake in pain. I didn't fully damage them but simply incapacitated them until the real attack would come. There was a flash that blinded me for a brief moment but I tried not to look away from the display, a larger bolt of lightning struck the same target that I electrocuted and this time they were done for good.

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