Chapter 1- "It only lasted three minutes"

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      "Hey Mars!" Screams my little sister from the kitchen as I walk through the door.

"Hey midget!" I scream while walking towards the kitchen. "What are you making me today?"

"It's lily! Not midget, I'm still growing! I'm only 9 and also today I'm making MYSELF a grilled cheese sandwich." Lily flips over her sandwich and you hear the slight sizzle from the pan.

Mmmmm it smells good

"Well I'm heading next door, I'm gonna make sure the dogs and cats are ok"

"Alright and oh yeah, you remember sally the little golden retriever"

"Yeah" I stop in my tracks.

"Well she's gone, it's the 15th puppy this year that disappeared and it's only October, honestly I'm getting worried."

"There's probably a hole in the Kennel, let me check."

Greattt now I gotta make a hole in the kennel.

I head over to the garage and grab the hoe. I'm making my way towards the kennel when I almost crash into my mom.

"Slow down there Mara"

"Huh?.. Oh..sorry"

"It's fine, im more worried about that murder eye you got going on there, did a puppy poop on the floor instead of the doggy pad again.. Wait.. Why do you have a hoe?"

"Ohhh.. I... I saw a idea on Pinterest about how if you put chicken wire around the end of the hoe, it's easier to scoop the poop"

"Oh! Well..have fun scooping."


I make my way around the Counter and through the door towards the kennel. I can already hear the puppies crying.

Gosh those little brats make me so angry, why can't they just stop whining and shut up!

I open the kennel door.

"Hey babies!"

The three baby chihuahuas and the 2 bulldogs start jumping all over me.

Gosh they are disgusting.

"Hey babies! Do you all wanna go outside and play? Yes! Yes! Alright let's go"

I open the kennel and take them to the garden.

"Have fun!" I say while closing the door.

Ughh I hate puppies. Time to work on the hole.

I  check if anyone's around and open up the kennel. I grab the hoe and head to the back where we keep the dogs food and start making the hole the puppies "supposedly are escaping from".

After working on the hole for almost two hours Mara finally finishes.

I need to relax.

I head to the back and open up the door for the puppies.

"Come in! Time to go to your kennel my little babies"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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