Chapter 13

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A/N: Hi Guys! It's been a long time, but I thank you for understanding.  As promised here is the new chapter!! Extra long chapter for you so I hope you enjoy it


George's POV


"Well, we can settle this. I will ask you one thing and after that, I leave and you'll never see me again. How about this?" He bargained. I don't like the sound of this, but as I have said, I have to play my cards or regret it in the end.

"What do you want? Money. How much do you want?" I asked. The bitch chuckled.

"I don't want your money. What I want instead is a one night with you. No holding back. You will pretend that you don't have mate."He said smirking at me. This bitch. However, if I want to get at bottom of this, I need to make him believe that I am yielding.

End of Flashback

I don't want to go, but for the safety of my mate, I will do anything. I will say it again. Call whatever name you wish to call me, but I ain't changing my mind. My mate and pack is my top priority.

Despite my determination to do Lane's bidding, I am still feeling bad. I'm wondering on how long can I keep this from my mates especially, Rick. He's a smart one and will figure this one. Will Lane's plan work? Can a simple vial of liquid ensnare the senses especially, mates feelings.

I went home feeling down, thinking of the best way to go without causing suspicion. I can tell them that I have pack business that I need to attend. This can work for Raf, but for Rick, I am still thinking of the best reason. I can either come clean or make up a story. I entered the house and found Rick watching football. He look up and smiled at me. There must be something on my face for his mood change in an instant.

"Hows you're day?" He asked eyeing me.

"Okay. I guess.." I sighed. Realization came to his mind because he eyed me accusingly.

"You guess? I smell a small hint of Lane's scent, clearly something happened. Believe me George if you are cheating with Lane, and Raf get hurt again, I will castrate you, brother or not." He threatened. I admire his determination to protect Raf at all cost. Maybe I should explain the situation. Maybe there's other alternative route that we can go.

"Sit down. Let me explain what happen. Where's Raf by the way?" I asked.

"He's asleep. So make it quick before he wakes up and hear all of this." He said. He turn off the television and took his seat at the sofa.

"It's not safe. Let us discuss this at the office." I instructed. He followed me to my office and locked the door. This is a sound proof room so we are safe. I explained what happened today when I met Lane including his bidding. I told him that I am feeling conflicted and doesn't have a choice. I explained to him that if I don't do Lane's bidding, Raf will get hurt. Rick knows that it's the last thing that we want to happen, for Raf to get hurt. I asked him that if there's an alternative I would do that. After explaining the situation, Rick looked at me in the eye, must be thinking of a solution of our predicament. Awhile later, he made his reply.

"There's only one solution that I can think off. Do not go. Lane is an attentive bitch. He can't do anything. He failed once remember?" He said.

"Regardless, its too risky. We don't know what he's capable off." I reasoned. Rick eyed me. Indeed we do not know what Lane is capable off; he can hurt Raf anytime. It almost happen before.

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