& the start of the drama &

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3rd person point of view

for the 4th time this day, mark was complaining about donghyuck's immaturity. 

those two had been best friends since kindergarten, as their mothers were really close friends, and since then, they've always spent majority of their time at each other's house.

mark was 18, donghyuck was 17. 

mark was mature, donghyuck wasn't. 

they were like water and fire : total opposites.

everything was going well in their relationship until donghyuck started falling for mark, when they were in middle school. on their last year of middle school, after two years of keeping his feelings under his breath, donghyuck confessed to mark.

but mark didn't like donghyuck back. not as a lover at least. so he immediately rejected him.

it never broke their relationship, though. they stayed best friends, forgetting about this awkward confession.

and now, two months ago, donghyuck was back at it.

once again, he told mark that he had feelings for him. he told him how he like his presence, his touches, his looks, his voice... everything about him. 

it took one month for mark to give an answer to donghyuck this time.

he said yes, after a whole month.

he said yes, even if he didn't return the feelings. he didn't want his best friend to be sad or feel rejected. donghyuck was the best boy mark ever met. mark couldn't break him like that. 

so, he said yes.

donghyuck felt happier than ever. he was finally mark's. mark was finally his. 

but nothing seemed right...

mark's point of view

"donghyuck ! stop it right now !" i yelled, running after my stupid best friend - who also happened to be my boyfriend -  as he was hiding my lessons all over my house.

if i count well, it's the 4th time today that he pulls a prank on me. and it's only 12:00 a.m. 

it was funny at first, donghyuck is funny. but now it became really annoying. since donghyuck and i got together, everything seems to be worse. his pranks, his mocking, his tantrums... everything. 

when I finally managed to catch him, he started laughing loudly - this stupid and loud laugh.

"you have to stop now donghyuck. i am not in a good mood today!" i scolded him.

"but it's a sunday ! life is beautiful and we're together at your house having fun!" he replied with a beaming smile. but it wasn't funny anymore.

"no were not. you're having fun. and you're annoying me! tomorrow we have two final tests and i can't even revise because you're hiding my papers everywhere!"

"yeah, it's funny ! we'll have to look for them together..." he giggled like a maniac, making me want to throw him out of my house. 

sure, he was intelligent. 

sure, he had skipped a grade.

sure, he didn't need to revise. 

but i am not as intelligent as he is. i am stupid. i need to revise. 

and he's not helping at all.

"no donghyuck! you know what? let's stop everything!"

donghyuck stopped moving, his face contorted by a frown. 

"s-sorry? stop everything?" he asked unsure.

"yes. everything. you and i. our dates. our relationship. every single thing that involves you and i." i  spat, not realizing the harshness of my words. 

"b-but... you're not gonna stop our relationship just for this little incident, are you?" he said, tears forming into his eyes.

"mark my words, donghyuck. i don't like you like you do. i only agreed to be your boyfriend because i didn't want you to feel rejected. and at the moment, it annoys me more than anything else so let's break up!"

donghyuck's face became white and tears finally fell from his eyes. he tried saying a word, but the words got caught in his throat.

 i watched him running to my front door, taking his phone that was on the table and throwing in the air the sheets of paper he still had in hand before disappearing from my sight.

what had i just done...?

hopefully, what was best for me.

but i wasn't even so sure about that...

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