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Freya Fareedah Murphy, like a beacon of light, she had arrived brightening our fast darkening world. It had been four days since the blue eyed beauty was born. The moment I laid my eyes on her in Ryan's arms, everything came crushing down on me. She had stared blankly as I held her, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"She's so beautiful," I had managed amidst sobs.

"Yeah she is." Whispered Ryan, "it's a good thing Niq, why are you crying?"

"It just dawned on me...someone or some force has attempted to take this young ones life three time so far. Once with Halima's accident, second in the hospital when she was declared brain dead and third, today when that woman tried to suffocate them... Yet, here she is...she beat all odds." I looked up to meet his eyes, whereas mine were clouded with mist, his held a bright twinkle, mirrored by his forming smile.

"His name is Jesus, Niq."


"The reason Freya's here with us, the reason Halima's here too. In fact, the reason Joe is still alive somewhere out there. That reason is Jesus Christ. I haven't seized praying for either one of them since I accepted Christ, and you know what, 'those who trust in the Lord will never be put to shame.'  "

His words had weighed heavily on me since that first day in the hospital. Looking back at my life, the only difference between Halima, Ryan and myself was my title. Otherwise we all came from wealthy backgrounds, some wealthier than others but none that lacked anything. Combined, they had lost more than I had and still led pretty simple, happy lives. I couldn't compare because here I sat, cradling in my arms the most beautiful baby girl, I had ever laid eyes on, swaying back and forth on the rocking chair in her nursery, overlooking a canopy of green rolling hills. I was about to be crowned Queen regnant, by far the most powerful position in the kingdom. I was clad in an overpriced queen worthy outfit, I'd never felt more beautiful, I'd never been more powerful, I certainly had never been wealthier and yet I'd never felt more lonely.

I sighed heavily causing the little bundle of raven black curls to turn in my arms. I gently rocked her some more, feeling the burn in my arm for holding her so long. I lifted myself off the rocker and sauntered to the crib where I gently placed her down. Her blue eyes shot open, but at my sight, drooped with sleep once more. A burning sensation clogged my throat, accompanied by thin rivulets of tears. Before long I was back on the rocker wailing into a pillow. The countless reassurances I told myself did no good as my deceptive tear ducts continued exercising their muscles.

"What is your problem!" I whispered. "You have everything you could ever desire, beauty, wealth, power, prince charming!" I mean I was living the dream of every woman in the world and yet it wasn't enough. What was I lacking? My thoughts shifted to Ryan's knowing sparkle back at the hospital. The man I'd met two years ago was anything but happy, compared to the man he was now. He had been living for his parents satisfaction, and  to live up to the legendary Murphy name. His current change was as evident as daylight. 'Jesus is the reason'. His words rung again.

"Really?" I whispered. "That's it?" I asked the mountain of stuffed animals. The blank stares in their furry faces told of a mutual truth, they were clueless, just like I was. Whatever questions I had, I knew where to find the answers.

Walking towards the door, I looked back to the sleeping beauty and sauntered out of the room. I directed my steps towards Halima's room, looking through the small slit in the doorway, I was satisfied to see her sleeping form. She had been through a lot in the past couple of days and needed all the rest she could get.

I moved on towards the study at the far end of the corridor. My gentle knock was answered by Ryan's orotund voice. I opened the door and ambled into the brightly lit gigantic room. Just as I remembered it, giant book shelves lined the walls,  different colored books filling them. A bright, dangling chandelier lit the room, a large oval table occupied the center, sitting behind it was Ryan, buried in paperwork. At the sound of the closing door, he looked up.

"Hey, Niq." He beamed.

"Hey, you look busy, I can come back."

"Nonsense, I need a break anyway. How's Freya?" He rose from his seat and walked to a pair of open French doors. "Come, let's sit out here, I am in desperate need for some fresh air."

I followed him, taking a seat on one of the lounge chairs. I extended my hand which held a baby monitor. Displayed on the  small screen, was his daughters sleeping form. "Still sleeping" I said.

"Thanks, Niq, you've been wonderful with her."

"It's been my pleasure, really. It's the only thing that seems to make sense."

"What do you mean?"

"Every crappy thing that has happened to me in the past couple of months. All the loss, the threats on my life, your family, all the expectations, they are unbearable. But then I look at her little face and I'm filled with a sense of awe. She's so peaceful, yet my world seems to be unraveling around me." I wiped hastily at the unrelenting tears.

"Is that why you have been hiding out here?" He asked moving closer, and cupping my hand in his.

"I'm not hiding."

"You haven't been to the palace since you came back with Giovanni, in fact you haven't attended to any state matters since then either. All your focus is on Freya, don't get me wrong, that girl loves you. Your presence here is a blessing to Halima and I. Giovanni hired more maids and security personnel than we will ever need. Its giving us enough time to rest and for me, I'm able to catch up on my paper work. But don't think we haven't noticed your withdrawal. I was praying and hoping you'd open up soon."

His concern opened the tear duct valve that seemed to be on its own agenda. He pulled me in for a hug. "Talk to me." He said finally.

"I want to be like you." I whispered pulling away.

"How's that?"

"Your life is far from perfect, yet you don't seem to carry any of the burden."

He nodded knowingly. "I gave up all my burdens"


"By accepting Christ as my personal savior."

"See, I don't know what that means." I said, shamefaced.

"Well, in summary, God the father in heaven created the world. He entrusted it to us as guardians. We fell into sin and were separated from Him who desired a relationship with us. Since He is holy and doesn't accept sin, He sent His son Jesus Christ to preach the gospel then die for our sin. So we were restored to Him who loved us so much that He spent His own wrath on His son, instead of us, so that whosoever believes will be saved. All you need to do is believe that and believe and confess that Jesus is Lord, and that God raised Him from the dead and that's it, you are set. Invite Him into your life, ask for forgiveness and then purpose to read your Bible to know Him more."

"So I don't need to pray, I just need to believe?"

"No honey, you need to do both. See, prayer is how we communicate with God."

"Would you pray with me?" I asked unsure of the rules.

"Sure," his smile widened.


Hello y'all? So busy weekend. Sorry for the late update. This was different but well overdue.

PS: if any of you hasn't yet read the first book in this series "Boundless Love" kindly check it out, I keep referencing it in this story and maybe someone is a bit lost. It'll be worth your time! 😉😀

Hope you are all well, thanks for reading. God bless you all.


Reigning Love. (A Sequel To Boundless Love) (Christian Romance).Where stories live. Discover now