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HALIA LOOKS down at her phone, a confused look on her face. She has no idea what the redhead has up her sleeves so she just follows the advice; looking into the mirror and making sure her eyeshadow did not get smudged. Taking a deep breath, she smooths our her ponytail and glances at her phone.

"Hello beautiful girl," Vanessa says, opening the bathroom door and smiling at the blonde, "I got a text that you were nervous about a certain someone."

"This is Madelaine's solution? Getting me closer to him?" Halia asks, groaning slightly, "No. I'm going to freak out."

"Well," the brunette says, walking up to her, "He is waiting for both of us kind of outside the door."

She whips her head towards the celebrity and looks flabbergasted, not able to form words.

"Let's go sweet cheeks!" Vanessa exclaims, linking arms with the girl and leading her out the door.

Halia knows that she shouldn't be worried about one boy. Her celebrity crush. The cutest boy in existence. She just didn't want to come off as annoying.

She stands up a bit taller and walks out of the door, making eye contact with Jordan Connor.

The smile that Halia swoons over every time she sees a picture of him forms on his face. She almost melts right there on the floor but Vanessa's hand brings her back.

"Hey," he says, putting his phone away and looking down at the girl, "I'm Jordan. Although you probably know."

Halia lets out a laugh and looks up at him, "Nice to meet you. I'm Halia."

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