"Yeah" she half smiles

"Stop" she stops walking about looks around nervously. "What?" I ask. "I think we're being fo-" she faints as a man comes from behind her and walks towards me

I turn around to runaway but bumps into another man who covers my mouth and take me away

I wake up in a bed of a bedroom, surprisingly big

I run to the door and jingle the handle but it doesn't open

"Don't bother"

I turn to a voice sitting in a corner. "You're not going anywhere"

"What do you want with me?" "Don't you know? The fight is starting today" "What fight?" "The one you've been training for. We kidnapped you to keep an eye on you"

"You couldn't have just waited" he chuckles "boss wanted you here first"

"Who's boss?"

"I can't tell you that"

"But what I can do" he walks closer "is torture you until they arrive"

He steps closer and grabs my arms but is interrupted by the sound of a man screaming outside the door

He walks to the door and opened it

We saw nothing but a dead body, a heart and blood all over the walls

He stepped out more and I soon saw a figure take his heart from his chest

The figure walked into the room with the heart still in his hands. He dropped it at his feet and stared at me with anger in his eyes


Ethan's POV

I wake up to see him staring at me

I try to jump at him but I was held back by chains

"Hey I don't mean to hurt you. I just need you for a favor"

"I don't do favors. Especially for people like you"

"Well it's not really your choice now is it"

"Michael I swear to god-" "Are you aware that your girlfriend is up against the fight of her life? And that her friend Olivia is helping her"

I stay silent

"Oh. Have I struck a nerve...? Did something happen between you two?" He comes in closer. "It's none of your business"

"You're right. It's not. You see with Olivia's help she might be able to survive but you are gonna help me make sure that doesn't happen"

"How about letting me go so I can rip your body apart?" He chuckles slightly walks away

As I try to break the chains he brings someone in the room

The girl sits infront of me "Who is she?" "Just a friend. She is going to make sure you do what you are told. I got a witch, who owned me, to do a little bit of dark magic and turn her into a vampire. So she is now capable of compelling you"

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