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Grayson's POV

I checked the kitchen for the third time

Yep. I lost my car keys

I instantly call Ethan

"What?" He answers annoyingly

"Have you seen my keys?" I ask him. "Yeah. They're right next to the big box of "find them yourself" "

"Seriously, you're the last person who had them. So where'd you put them?"

"Did you check the kitchen?"

I look around at the now destroyed looking kitchen. "Noooo. How stupid of me"

He hangs up the phone and I continue to look

"What...are you doing?" I jump from looking in the kitchen drawers to see Brie "lookin for my keys"

She looks around

She walks to the closet and reaches in my jacket pocket

I hear a jingle and she hold them up to me with a 'really' look on her face

I mentally face palm myself and she tossed them to me

"Mothers instinct coming faster now?" "It's not mothers instinct. It's called being smart"

I cross my arms and squint my eyes "Are you saying I'm not smart?" "Hmm" "when have I ever been dumb? You know what...don't answer that"

Brie's POV

The door knob jiggles and Olivia and Devion walks in

"Olivia!" I run to her and basically squeeze her to death

"Oh my god I've missed you" she says. "Look at you" she steps back "you're-" "fat" "I was gonna say glowing"

"What's up man" Grayson gives Devion a handshake then a hug "just glad to be home my man"

"So how was Brooklyn?" I ask her. "Usual. Just like childhood. Almost got mugged. Fried his brain"

"You fried his brain?" "Don't worry his fine. Kinda" Devion steps in "kinda is a bit of an understatement"

"Hey gray" she hugs him. He lets go "hey. Listen I gotta run. I'm already 25 minutes late" he says and walks out the door

Devion walks up to me and opens his arms "for real so good to see you" he hugs me. "Oh Kevin said to call him when you land" "I'm on it" he takes out his phone and walks to the kitchen

"So...you gonna tell me what else between you two has happened?" Olivia taps me "Oh my god...you know too? How?"

"You told Ethan, Ethan tells Isabella and Isabella tells me. Basic communication"

"Well nothings happened. Besides nothing can happen"

"And why do you think that?"

"Look at me. I'm pregnant with his cousins kids. Don't you think that would be awkward?" "Only if you make it awkward"

"Hey can you do me a favor and drive me to the store?" I ask "Ugh Fine. I'll be your shofer for the day"

We make it to the store and Olivia decides to stay in the car

I walk down the aisles looking in the snack aisle

"Brie. Long time no see"

I recognized the voice

"Dylan. Surprise seeing you here" I had totally forgot he existed. I hadn't seen him since Miss Mystic Falls

"Likewise. Eating for two?" I nod. "Who's the baby daddy?" "Uh you don't know him. His a bit older"

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