Chapter 2

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I was woken up the next morning, being told that it was time to go.

"Where are we going?" i asked Once everyone was ready.

"For us to try and get the money." Einstein told me as we all walked out.

Fagin had an old pickup truck that helped them get around. Rita jumped to the front seat as the rest of us jumped in the back. It seemed like everything was fine, till he started driving. Fagin zig zagged thew the streets, going faster then he should be.

"So how much does he owe?" I leaned over to Dodger to say in his ear. With all the wind wiping around and the other cars honking, i knew he wouldn't have heard me any other way.

He leaned back over to my ear, much closer to mine then i was to his. "More then we can make in 3 normal days." i shivered from him being so close.

"Then how are we going to be able to get all the money?" I asked when the truck stopped at the light.

I ran a hand threw my hair as he spoke normally. "We have a few things in mind." The light changed and Fagin slammed on the gas making me slid on the floor. "I got ya'." Dodger called out grabbing my arms. He pulled me close to him, keeping hold of my arm the rest of the way.

Oliver had stuck his head out of my jacket pocket, but then decided that it was to much wind and ducked back down. Fagin suddenly pulled over at a corner. Everyone jumped out, Dodger taking my hand when i jumped down. Oliver climbed out of my pocket and up onto my shoulder.

"Dodger." Fagin called staying in the car.

"Hmm?" He looked threw Rita's door as she came out.

"You keep an eye on the new kid." Fagin smiled at me then looked back at Dodger. "Show her the ropes."

"No worry's." He smiled down at me, and i couldnt help but give a small smile back.

Fagin nodded. "Ill come back in a few hours. Before the sun sets." We all nodded, as he drove off.

"Alright." Dodge looked at everyone, putting his hands into his pants pockets. "If Mr. Sycks dont see some cold hard cash then we are dead. Come on, Lets start on Columbus."

"What are we going to do?" i asked walking behind everyone.

"Oh you'll soon learn." Tito said clapping his hands together.

"This should be a good spot to split." Dodger looked over everyone. "Member to spread out. 20 minutes then we move."

Everyone nodded. "What does that mean?"

"We do what we do, and meet up about 5 streets down." Franky told me as him and Einstein started to walk.

"Lets go Danni." Dodger waved at me as he started to walk the other way.

"Oh, okay."

"You'll do good hun." Rita smiled at me as her and Tito walked into a store together on the other side of the street.

I quickly caught up with Dodger. "So . . ."

"Remember how we got the hot dogs yesterday?" He asked me.


He smirked. "Well we are going to be doing something like that." He nodded over to a couple that were eating something. "But this time-" he picked Oliver up off my shoulder. "Lil' bud is going to help."

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