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Walking around New York city. It was getting dark rather fast, and the air had gotten a little cold. Looking up at the sky i could see dark clouds starting to take over. I pulled my hoodie over my head shoving my red hair back, looking for the closest alleyway. It didnt take to long for it to start raining.

Walking twords an alleyway i see a large box on the side of the road. I almost walked right past it, if i didnt hear scratching coming out of it. Stopping and looking down into the box, inside the box was already almost half full from the heavy rain. And trying to keep its head up, was an orange kitten. I reached down and tilted the box letting out the water.

"Your free little guy." i tell him, keeping the box on its side. The kitten didnt move, it just laid on its side. I bent down and softly rubbed the top of the kittens wet head. Poor thing must have been fighting to get out that box for so long, it was so tiered. It was so week that it couldnt even meow.

I carefully picked up the kitten. It almost fit in the palm of my hand, it was so small. Holding the kitten up, i could see it was a boy. Opening my jacket i place the kitten inside, hoping to warm him. I then stood, making my way to the ally. Going to the closest one, i was happy to see a broken down car, that was almost fully stripped of its parts.

The wheels were gone along with all the doors and the front seats. Thankfully the back seats where still there and there were no holes in the roof. I quickly got into the car, and out of the rain. I slowly pulled the kitten out and laid it onto the seat next to me. I slipped off my wet jacket and turned it inside out. I wrapped it up and placed it out on the floor. I then picked the cat back carefully put him on the jacket.

"There you go. You should be warm for the night. Then we will get food, in the morning." i tell him laying back onto the seat. I closed my eyes as my stomach grumbled. I curled up on the seat, falling asleep fast.

The next morning i slowly open my eyes before stretching out onto the seat. I sat up after, and looked down at the now empty jacket. I stepped out the car and looked around the dry ground. Once i stood, something fell out of the trash cans not to far. I walked over and looked behind the trash can to see the kitten. It had its head stuck in a small jar. I couldnt help but smile at the poor thing. Bending down i picked the kitten up and was able to get the jar off with out hurting the kitten.

"What were you eating?" i asked smelling something bitter. Looking at the jar, it had a label that read, Oliver's Olives. "Olives huh?" i looked down the the car as he tried to smell the jar. Looking at the kitten a small idea came to mind. "Oliver." The kitten looked up at me and meowed. "You like that name." i nodded. "Oliver it is then."

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