Harry hated feeling this way. He hated using alcohol to feel better, and he hated how it didn't work. As he poured another drink, Harry sighed, wondering if he even needed it. He didn't, but it didn't stop him from taking a large swallow. He set the glass down and picked up his phone. It was time to do something – or someone – to get his mind off Olivia.



"Hey," Harry greeted, his dull tone a stark contrast to Hailey's enthusiastic greeting. How she could still be happy to see him after he'd spent the last few days ignoring her was baffling. He judged her and her lack of self respect. He stepped aside, allowing her to enter the apartment. "How's it going?"

Hailey furrowed her brow at Harry as she stepped into the apartment. "Are you drunk?" she questioned, tossing her jacket on the chair.

Obviously, why else would I text you? Harry thought, but he was smart enough to keep his comment to himself. "Had a couple," he said instead. "Tis the season, yeah?" he added with a slow shrug. "Ahh... want to watch a movie?" he asked, stepping away from Hailey as she tried to embrace him.

The furrowed frown remained on Hailey's face. "Sure..." she said questioningly, following Harry into the living room. "Aren't you even going to offer me a drink? Might need a couple to catch up to you..." she added pointedly, standing with her hands on her hips.

Harry sighed. She was such a princess. "Right," he answered. "Sorry." He moped into the kitchen and poured Hailey a glass of wine. Again, he wondered why he even invited her over. He wished he could be a man and end things with Hailey, but being with her was better than being alone – barely – and he was too much of a coward to be alone. He wasn't being fair to Hailey, but he was too selfish to be courteous.

"Thank you," Hailey told Harry, taking a sip. She sat down on the couch, staring at Harry. He sensed her gaze on him but he avoided her eyes. She huffed out a loud sigh. "What's up with you?" she asked him. "You've been super weird the last few days."

Harry scoffed. "Have not," he countered, taking a gulp of his drink. He continued to avoid her eyes as he lied. "Just had some shit on my mind... Sorry," he added, his apology not sounding sincere. He let out a quiet sigh before sitting on the far end of the sofa. "Called you now, anyway," he reminded Hailey.

"I guess..." Hailey answered. She was such a pushover. She scooted closer to Harry, too close for his liking. "I missed you..." she purred, lifting Harry's arm and draping it across her shoulders as she settled against his chest.

Harry's body stiffened at Hailey's touch. Her body against his was so foreign, so uncomfortable. Even though his plan was to get under Hailey in order to get over Olivia, he couldn't handle her touch. Abruptly, Harry scooted to the other side of the sofa. His quick action caused Hailey to fall sideways, and she gawked at Harry as she straightened up.

"What the hell was that?" Hailey demanded. "I almost spilled my drink!"

Harry cleared his throat. He didn't know how to explain his action to Hailey, so he didn't. "Don't worry about it," he mumbled, taking a gulp of his drink. "Just pick a movie."

Hailey frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't worry about it?" she repeated. "You just jumped away from me like I have leprosy! You... you don't want to sit with me? Or cuddle with me? What did I do?"

She sounded so sad that, for a moment, Harry was remorseful. He wasn't heartless; he was heartbroken. Still, despite his feelings for Olivia, he didn't need to treat Hailey with such disrespect. He sighed. "You didn't do anything," he told her, huffing out another breath. He took another sip of his drink; finishing the cocktail before standing up to make another one.

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