I was standing outside the changing rooms before training when I saw Katherine. She walked up to me and stared at me in my football gear.

‘Yes, this is what I wear’ I snapped.

‘Samantha, I want to get to know you’ she said.

‘It’s Sam and I will get to know you when I want to so I suggest you fuck off unless you want me to never get to know you’ I snapped walking onto the field.

‘Who was that?’ Michael asked.

‘Katherine wants to get to know me and I told her to fuck off’ I laughed lightly.

 Everyone was on the field and we decided to have a mock game. I stared at Jake who was in the shotgun position. He noticed me staring and smirked. I knew the play they were going to use so I knew what I was going to do. I sprinted off my mark and dodged James, a freshman blocker and sacked Jake.

I joined the defence. We didn’t need to decide on anything was we were planning the plays.

‘There is a talent scout here’ someone said.

‘Probably here for you, Sam’ another said.

‘No one would want to girl in their team; they would be her for Jake’ I signed. For me football was always going to be hobby rather than career.

‘Pretend to a boy, wait for as long as you can to reveal that you are female’ someone suggested and I agreed. For the rest of training I didn’t pull my helmet off and played the best I can. Of course I attacked Jake. How could I let a chance to attack him go lose? Coach called me over after training.

‘Sam, this is Josh Edwards and he is the selection coach for the Marshville Rangers’ Coach said.

Josh Edwards’ POV

I couldn’t believe that this was the worst team in their State last year. They had only had one game that they won with seconds left which shows determination. I got the Coach to call Number 12 over so I could talk to him. Over the hour or so I had been watching he gave his all.

‘Can you pull your helmet off?’ I asked. Long blonde hair tumbled down to her waist. Number 12 was a girl. I stood there in silence for a minute.

‘What have you never seen a girl?’ She smirked.

‘Is that Sam Anderson?’ I asked.

‘Yep, formally known as Sam Jameson’ she smirk. Of course it was the quarterback for the Jaguars.

‘But you were playing line backer’ I gasped.

‘I can play both’ she laughed.

‘Well I don’t want you on the team’ I snapped at her. Why would I want a girl on my team?

‘So you like every other Coach I met. A sexist piece of garbage. So I know not to consider your college. Why would I go to a college that pushes me out because of what sex I am’ she snaps and walks to join her team. They hi-fived her and one of them must have been her boyfriend as he hugs her.

Sam’s POV

‘What did you tell him?’ Jake asked.

‘That he is a sexist pig’ I smirked.

‘Why did you tell that to the Coach of a team that would be great to go to if you got accepted?” Jake asked furious.

‘He didn’t want me as I’m a bloody girl’ I snapped walking away to get changed. The hot water from the shower felt nice as I had aching muscles. I felt annoyed after seeing Josh Edwards but Marshville wasn’t where I wanted to go. I wanted to go to LSU as they have one of the best Football team but I don’t think they would want a girl on their team either.

Michael was standing outside when I got out.

‘I have to go back’ he sighed.

‘Why? You just got here’ I gasped.

‘My mother has developed brain cancer and only has a month or so to live’ he chocked.

‘Go, I will be there when I can, but definitely for the funeral’ I said. I kissed him and waved him out of the car park towards the airport. I ran home before anyone saw me cry. Anna, Michael’s Mother, spent the last eight years being my mother. She loved and me and often helped me in the house full of boys. I would go and visit when we get four extra days off in two weeks.

‘Dinner’ Summer called. I walked up and sat down at the table listening to Father and Jake’s conversation about school and how Jake is campaigning is going which I have no interest in. I heard my phone ring and I go and pick it up.

‘Hello dear, it’s Katherine’ the voice comes through.

‘How did you get my number?” I asked.

‘I have my sources. How are you dear?’ she asks and I hung up. The second I put it down, it rings again. I look at the caller ID and it is the same number. I enter it as Katherine and the note never to pick it up when it is her. I walk back into the kitchen were the others are.

‘Honey, Jake said there was a talent scout today from the Rangers and he said what you said’ Father said furious.

‘He annoyed me’ I snapped.

‘You don’t say that to a man’ he replied.

‘So are you saying that you can say whatever you want to a woman but not to a guy? So guys can do whatever they want, they can fuck girls but they can’t do anything to stop it. You are saying that I should give up and let someone else take my position and see the team suck again. Well thanks for the support, Father and the fact that you Summer aren’t saying anything and you are a woman. So do all three of you believe that girls are useless so I’m going to prove you wrong’ I snapped punching Father’s eye and he reached for me but I ran out.


The Wise One

I don’t know when I will update next as I am going away

And I thank the one person that has read all my chapters


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