THIRTY-SEVEN: Accomplice

Start from the beginning

"I won't spend the rest of my life waiting for Krogan or Johann to kill me! I must strike first!" the Hunter said firmly. Hiccup stared at him.

"I'll tell you what-I'll deal with Johann while you watch from your cell on Outcast Island!" he said sarcastically with Toothless standing at his back, still growling-though Viggo just laughed.

"Oh Hiccup-you have many admirable qualities...but ruthlessness isn't one of them," Viggo told him mockingly. "You are too good, too pure, too innocent...and that is going to get you or someone you love killed. Without ruthlessness, you will fail against Johann."

Hiccup stared at him, forcing his face impassive.

He doesn't know, he thought slowly. No one passed on the news that a Night Fury Rider has ravaged the southern hunters. That I killed and sunk them in my ruthless desperation to find and release Astrid before she and the baby came to harm. So yes, I am ruthless, just haven't ever seen it...or pushed the right button.

And that is my advantage.

For the longest moment, Viggo stared at him, as if reading his thoughts-and then tossed the cooked fish in front of the suspicious Toothless. There was a pause as the dragon sniffed it carefully...and then ate it.

"And the truth is...I exact my revenge without you...or your Night Fury," Viggo added. "Once they are defeated, I will disappear. You have my word," he added smoothly, resting his hand on his heart...but Hiccup wasn't falling for that one again.

"And what good is your word, Viggo?" Hiccup snapped back. "After all you've done, all the dragons and people you've hurt, you seriously expect me to believe you? The fact you threatened Astrid when we had an alliance? I will NEVER help you!"

"Even if it means acquiring Johann's DragonEye-and all his lenses?" Viggo asked silkily. Hiccup scowled. There was scarcely a pause as Hiccup retorted:

"I don't trust you."

Sitting down and taking a bite from his fish. "Oh, that's a shame," he commented and then stared at the fire. "Hiccup-do you know what Red Oleander is?" he asked.

I have never wished I was Fishlegs before, Hiccup sighed inwardly, not having a clue. "Yes!" he said forcefully but Viggo laughed at him.

"You don't actually," he said lightly, seeing through his subterfuge. He was actually laughing at the younger dragon rider and Hiccup felt his fists clench. "If you did, you would know that if the flower is ingested by a dragon, if causes a slow and painful death. Of course, dragons won't go near it, due to its pungent odour...but if it's disguised by another" He looked meaningfully at the fillet in his hand and Hiccup's eyes widened, flicking to look over at Toothless, who was licking his lips from the fish he had just scoffed.

A fish Viggo had given him.

Rage blinded Hiccup and he lunged forward, the sword in his hand, flaming, and he had no hesitation at pressing it close enough to scorch Viggo's neck. The man's eyes widened in shock, recalculating the limits of Hiccup's ruthlessness.

"You give me the antidote...NOW! Hiccup yelled, digging the flaming blade into the man's neck and almost enjoying the hiss of pain the man gave. And hating himself for becoming as bad as Viggo.

"I-I don't have it! Only Johann does!" Viggo stammered as Hiccup pulled the blade back an inch. "Help me and I will get you the antidote! three days, your dragon will die..."

His words melted away any guilt Hiccup may have felt at seeing the fresh burn on the man's skin and he glared in fury at Viggo. Somehow, he had been suckered again by the manipulative Hunter...but this time, Toothless's life was at stake. And Hiccup would have no qualms in handing over Viggo if it gained him the antidote he required. Reluctantly, he stepped back a pace, feeling his rage subside so he could think again and then he sheathed his sword, running to Toothless. Cooing gently, the Night Fury nuzzled gently against him and Hiccup closed his eyes in defeat. He hated that he had allowed himself to be trapped and played again. His only grace was that he had his own back-up, watching high in the sky.

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