One Night

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It was one of the off days for BTS amid their busy schedules. They had a week left of their relaxation and they had spent enough of it cooped up inside their home. The gang was chilling at the house until around 7 PM. Jimin decided to meet up with his buddy, fellow K-pop Idol Taemin, for a night out. Namjoon and Jin tagged along.

They made clear they weren't going to be home for a while, as they all left the house laughing about their plans to crash at Taemin's house. Hoseok and Yoongi decided to go out of town and return a few days later. Jungkook decided to stay behind. Taehyung went shopping and informed Jungkook he would be back soon.

Jungkook wasn't really up for a night out or anything that involved leaving the home and the comfort of his room and bed. Plus he didn't feel like going through the extra process of having to hide his identity from the public so he wouldn't be chased by fans. He felt overworked by the busy schedules as their fame rose higher and higher amongst the world.

He loved it, but in the back of his mind, he wished times were like their debut years, where there was plenty of freetime and the not having to worry about excited fans chasing him down at the sight of him, less stress. And that he was able to blend in much easier with the crowd. He missed the times where the fame was the dream, but now that he had the fame, his old life seemed to be the real dream.

Jungkook wished he could talk to his hyungs about these feelings he had, but they seemed so happy all the time and he didn't want to seem ungrateful and ruin it for them. He didn't even want to tell Taehyung, the hyung he was most closest with. He told Taehyung a lot of things, but not everything. Taehyung's boxy smile was important to Jungkook and he didn't want to see it fade by uttering his issues to him.

Jungkook rose from his bed and tried to immerse himself in the quiet of the house, something rare since the hyungs always made their presence known when they were there. For once, Jungkook could take a deep breath and really think to himself. Though he liked the quiet, it reminded him too much of his thoughts and sometimes he didn't always want to hear them.

Jungkook paced around his room before deciding to go into the living room to find a movie. He could've watched a movie in his room like he usually did, but he wanted to leave his room for a bit, as he was no longer obligated to be in there since his hyungs were out.

Jungkook scrolled for a movie to watch on Netflix until he found one. He paused it at the beginning and went to the kitchen to fix some popcorn. When done, he went back into the living room and unpaused the movie.

Midway into the movie, Jungkook heard the familiar sound of keys entering the door. He rolled his eyes, annoyed as to why anyone was back this early. He wished he had more alone time and wasn't in the mood to hear his hyungs jacked about their plans. Jungkook looked over to see Taehyung entering the house with bags, shutting and locking the door behind him. Jungkook was relieved to see it was Taehyung, as he was always comfortable around him and Taehyung was just as quiet as him, if not more.

Taehyung: "Hey, Kookie,"
He dropped his bags beside the couch Jungkook was sitting.

Jungkook: "Hi Tae"
Jungkook muttered, a mouth full of popcorn, focused on the movie.

Taehyung took off his jacket and sat next to Jungkook. He watched the movie with him for a few minutes before looking over at Jungkook. Taehyung wondered why Jungkook stayed behind. He noticed Jungkook's behavior lately, but chose not to say anything, not wanting to bring light to an issue that he wasn't sure was even there.

Taehyung cared for Jungkook alot, and just wished he was more vocal when something was wrong. He feared he would be too hounding if he asked. Taehyung decided to swallow his fears and ask him what was up.

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