Chapter 10: I'll protect you...

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"Your actually here to get me back to my sisters?"

I was so confused. How did Harley even get here? I didn't question it as I can finally feel my hands again?

"Harley, it's nice your helping me get back to my sisters, my niece and of course, my daughter...But how did you even get here?" I asked her, looking up to her height. She sighed sadly to which I was really confused. I've only known her a few weeks but she's a really good friend to me.

"I've never told anyone this, so you promise to keep it between you and I?"

"I promise Harley, please tell me." I say looking up at you.

"It happened a few months ago. I was coming home to see that he was covered in blood. My parents both lifeless on the floor. My niece screaming and crying upstairs. He then took me. He drugged me and well, tried to sexually assault me. And he succeeded." She told me as she looked like she was going to cry. I pull her into her arms in comfort as she started to sob quietly.

"I'm really sorry about your parents, but he can't get away with what he did to you. Let's get back to my sisters  and we can report him to the police." I told Harley as we both hugged for at least two minutes before Harley quietly got me to follow her down a dark, narrow corridor.

"This is scary."

"I know Amy, just think your doing this to help not only your friend here but yourself from God knows what he'll do to you."


How could I have let this happen. God, I'm such a bad wife. I haven't been looking after myself properly since last night. Lauren has to take care of Winter as she doesn't know what's going on. I saw Jayden looking over at me.

"Auntie Lise, please don't cry. We're going to find Auntie Amy so you can be happy again. It isn't your fault." She tells me as I pull her into a hug, refusing to let her go anytime soon. Christina really taught Jayden well and I'm glad I have everyone right now but I'm just missing Amy...


After walking down that scary corridor, we walked downstairs together and there he was. Asleep on the sofa. My nerves were building up really quickly but Harley but an arm on my shoulder in comfort.

"Follow my lead, Amy." She told me as she was first to sneak successfully. I begin to sneak past but I ended up tripping on a wire that he left out, causing him to wake up. He grabbed me and threw me onto the couch as my heart was beating really fast.

"Nobody here to help you, think twice before you do that sneaky shit." He told me as I feel a sharp pain enter me all of a sudden. He was on top of me, smirking deviously. That can only mean one thing...

I try my best to push him off, but he is a lot taller than me and stronger. I could only say my prayers now that Harley would help me, and well I guess the prayers answered to me.

I stopped feeling that pain as I saw someone drag him off me, as I sit up and I can finally breath properly. Harley then came around and got me out of the house.

"Thanks Harley." I managed to breath out as she smiled down at me.

"Anything for a friend, if he even dares to do that to you or even touches you, I will kick his ass to Saturn." She told me as I saw what seemed to be Christina's truck pull up.


I was too distracted by my music playing, but then I saw her. My Amy! Her blue-greenish eyes looked over at the car as I immediately got out of the car with Winter and raced over to her to which I then pulled her tightly into my arms.

"Mummy! Your safe!" Winter then called out from underneath me as I looked down at her, her eyes that looked so identical to Amy shined in the bright light. Amy saw her and lifted her into her arms and into her arms.

"I'm so glad you all come for me." She says barely above a whisper. Everyone got out and joined in on the hug, it looked really crazy but oh well.

"Your our sister, Ames. We will always be there for you and protect you." I hear Christina say as I nod my head in agreement, relieved to be reunited with my soulmate again.

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