Chapter 8: She's Mine...For Good.

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It's been a couple of days now. Everything is all calm between us all now, and we've actually been invited to Christian's engagement party, with a guy called Stefan, I think. Oh well, I'm just glad to see my brother so happy after all the shit he got from his 'so called' friends for being homophobic.

I was waiting for Amy to finish off getting ready. I strongly believe Christina, Kath and Jayden are taking us three down and meeting Lauren and Dani there. Whilst I was waiting, I noticed Winter had Amy's phone in her hands and it went off.

"Winter, can I have Mama's phone please?" I ask as the young girl looked up with her green-blue eyes, just like her Mama.

"I call Jayden's boyfriend!" She says jokingly as I fake gasp at her, before she bursts into a fit of laughter. I should very well think Jayden hasn't got a boyfriend, she's only 7!! I managed to unlock the phone and read the message. It was an unknown number.

"I always make sure my doll is in the very best dress. 💕💕"

Alright, who the hell is texting my wife like that? When I find out, we will all break his neck. All of a sudden, Amy came out of the room and oh my God....She looked so fucking gorgeous. So perfect, Just like an angel sent down from heaven.

"Y-You ready to go?" I said as I began to stutter a little as I couldn't believe how amazing she was. She nodded her head as I slowly slid her phone into her purse as we got into Christina's car.

"Let's get to this engagement party people!!" Kath says as she starts to drive to the venue. I was so excited.


I was really excited for the engagement party. I remember mine and Lisa's engagement party was really fun! Anyways, since the drive would take a while, I decided to check my phone. As soon as I saw that message, I rolled my eyes, deleting the message and watched how close Winter and Jayden are.

"Mama, are you okay?" Winter asks me as looks over to me, reaching her right hand out, so iI reach mine out to her. We joined it together as I rub the top of it.

"Yeah I'm fine baby. Don't worry about it!" I tell her as my phone went off again and I quickly read it.

"Deleting or blocking my messages will never change my love for you! ❤️"

I deleted the message and blocked the number as we arrived at the venue. I put on my best face as I saw Christian. I smiled at him.

"Congratulations Christian! I'm so happy for you two!" I say to him to which he smiles down at me before pulling me into a hug. Afterwards he lets me go so I can enter the venue. Lauren and Dani are already here, as Dani is chatting to Nick and Joey.

I decide to take a seat by the table, the blocked number messages me again.

"Figured me out yet? 😘You must be pretty dumb!! 😂 I'm watching your every move, my princess 😏💛"

Okay, I started to feel really paranoid and scared. This random number started to text me again, even after blocking the number.

"Ames, what happened?" I hear Lauren ask me, as she gives me really concerned eyes.

"Some weird person keeps sending me all these messages, like this is the one I just got. There was one from earlier as well!" I tell Lauren, who stares at the messages in shock before handing my phone back.

"This guy is fucking creepy Ames! If I ever find out who he is, I will kick his ass to Juniper. Don't worry about it too much Ames!" Lauren told me as I gave her a shy smile.

"Thanks Lo." I day before she opens her arms and lets me come into a hug.

"That's what sisters...I mean, best friends are for Ames!" Lauren tells me before Lisa comes over and tells me she left the engagement present at home. I told her I would go get it, as I pulled away from the hug. I took my phone, kissed Lisa goodbye and started walking back to the flat.

As I was walking, for some reason, I felt like someone was following me. I ignored it at first, taking the short cut through a forest that leads near enough the street we live on. When I came out of the woods, I got another message.

"Always watch your back. I would 'hate' for my beautiful doll to get hurt!" I was confused for a moment before I felt someone be injected into me. My eyes were growing heavily and before I had time to message Lisa, darkness took over.

Mysterious Person (Try guess who?!?):

There she was. Laying peacefully on the ground. Her phone on the floor, to which I hid it in a bush, not realising it is actually her older sisters garden. I then picked her up bridal style, and gently placed her in the back, before I got into the drivers seat, and started to drive.

I finally did it. She is mine!!! And no one else will get in our way...

Crazy for HerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz