Chapter 2

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It was a very chilly early morning. It was the first official day that Amy and Jake were husband and wife. It was also the first official day of their honeymoon. The first day of the last week they had together before Jake had to go undercover again. Amy was packing her carry on towards Jake's car as a solitary tear rolled down her cheek.

"Ames," Jake's voice was full of concern. "Are you okay? Everything will be alright."

"I know. It's just that I don't want to start off our marriage like this. I'm stuck at Nine-Nine and you'll have to go to another state and stop all communication with the squad. Don't get me wrong, Jake, you're a great cop. But I wish that, well, you weren't great so that I didn't need to worry all the time. You were put in WPP once before and framed for a crime you didn't commit. I just don't want to lose you again, babe."

Jake brought Amy into his arms and squeezed her tight. "You know I'm not the best person to talk to for comfort but, I promise that everything will be okay. The Nine-Nine will catch this perp. Then we can spend the rest of our lives together, doing what we're good at."

Amy wiped a tear and gave her new husband a sweet kiss before finishing loading up. She could tell from Jake's body language that he also wasn't too thrilled to be starting off their marriage like this, but she knew it was for his safety. She had to be strong for Jake just as he had to be for her. They promised each other that they would support each other for better or for worse. That all started today.

They had one week together before they had to cut all ties with each other. Which would only prove to be difficult for newly weds. One week in Colorado was all they had. One week. Just one, and Amy would be damned if she didn't try to make the most of the only week she had with her husband.

They both quietly got into their vehicle. It was a silent drive to the airport. Amy's phone ringing is what startled them after Jake went into the highway. "Hey, Rosa."

"Are you okay. I know I'm not the best person to talk to, but I heard. You just got married and now the two of you have to be apart for God knows how long," Rosa voiced her concern. It was the most concern that she was ever able to have for any of her friends in the precinct.

"We're okay. Holt gave us one week for our honeymoon before Jake gets sent off to wherever. I'm just worried about him, you know. Last time this happened, our relationship almost suffered. And then if course, I shot him."

Jake chuckled to himself as Amy rolled her eyes. She continued on her conversation while Jake tried to stay focus on the road. He wanted to get them safely to the airport, but he felt that was impossible with all these thoughts floating around his head. He only had one week with his wife before he had to leave her again. He never truly came back the same either. And everytime he's away from Amy for so long, he would start to go insane from missing her so much. Life was a cruel game. He clenched the steering wheel. He wanted to catch the bastard.

He didn't want to go through this all over again. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Amy right by his side. She was- no- is his everything and some crazed dude who hated cops wasn't going to be the undoing of their relationship. He had faith in the squad. Jake knew that they would catch this criminal. Justice would be served, it was their job to make the world a better place, after all.

Jake knew that in time, this would all be over. But the question was for how long? And how hard would it be this go around? Would it be harder because he's now married or easier? What would happen to his marriage? What if something drastic happened while he was away? These were all questions that Jake knew he would never be able to answer until it actually happens, and that terrifies him more than anything in the world. He was not ready to jeopardize his relationship, but he might not even have a choice.

Finally, Jake pulled into the airport parking. The the newly wedded couple quietly got out of their vehicle and packed their suitcases towards the building. Both of them were silent, fearing the worse. What would happen after the honeymoon?

It didn't matter. They both had each other right now and that was all that really mattered at the moment. They had to make the most out of their trip, whether or not Jake would have to go into WPP again. Amy looped her arm around Jake's and leaned into him. He looked at her and slightly smiled, but that soon faded because he remembered that he had a short time left with his wife. His beautiful, perfect, nerdy wife.

Once they got through customs, they both finally relaxed in the boarding room, waiting for their flight to be ready. "Jake, I'm scared," Amy whimpered. "I don't want to lose you but I also don't want to risk you getting hurt."

"I love you, Ames. You know we'll get through this. We always do. And we always will," Jake kissed her forehead.
"I know, I know. But Jake, this isn't make believe. This isn't Die Hard. You need to understand that not everything has a happy ending."

Jake took in a hard breath. He squeezed his wife's hand and placed his forehead against hers. "Ames, no matter what happens, no matter what we take on, we WILL get through this. I love you, so much. God, I love you so much that I know, I KNOW that we will persevere. We can do anything, Ames, when we put our minds to it. We will get out happy ending, babe. You can count on that." Jake finally moved his head slightly so that he could kiss Amy's lips slightly. "I love you, Amy Santiago."

Amy laughed before wrapping her arms around his neck. "Amy Peralta now, babe. I'm your wife."

"You're my wife!" Jake excitedly repeated after her before giving a second, lighter kiss.

After their little moment, it was finally time to departure. They loaded up onto their flight that would take them to Colorado. Amy fell asleep almost as soon as the plane started to lift into the air. She had her head rested on Jake's arm as he had his apple ear pods in was watching the 2nd Die Hard. He glance over at his new wife and a boyish grin appeared on his lips. He loved her so much, he literally flight like he was on cloud nine. Or cloud nine-nine. Jake chuckled to himself at the thought. He was so happy proud to have such an amazing woman on his arm.

He couldn't wait to raise a family with her, spend the rest of his life with her. But everytime he thought about his future with Amy, he would remember that he may never get to do that if he's stuck in WPP. He wanted this perp dealt with just so he could be with Amy. Work at the precinct. See his best friends. He knew he had to be patient, but that was hard to do when the rest of his life depended on this case. Jake huffed. Everything always goes wrong when they finally start to go right. When would he catch a break?

The rest of his life was already looking grim and he needed it to look peachy. He needed to comfort his wife, but he didn't know now. He needed his friends, but he wouldn't get to see them again for a long time. Jake needed his life back. He knew it would never be the same. He was a cop. Things are different now. He was a damn good detectiveand his wife was a damn good sergeant. Jake breathed a heavy sigh. Life was about to be a million times harder and he and Amy only had one week to prepare. And it started today. It was now.

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