weird feelings

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Applejack POV

I woke up in the middle of the night I wasn't able to sleep properly after what Rarity said earlier I looked at her from my sleeping bag and she was beautiful I don't want to fall in love.....but apparently I already fell for her and I'm in need of bandages I got up and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat I took an apple and started eating it "..mmm ah wonder what it would be like to date her......just can't be that bad ah mean if she means what she says then ah can leave with it...." I said finishing my apple I heard someone coming down the stairs and I looked over and it was Rarity "what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" She asked robing her eyes so fucking cute...."I was just hungry and I couldn't sleep..." I said she looked at me confused "is it because of earlier darling?" She asked sitting on a chair and I sat next to her "y-yea I just don't understand you....why would you say such things I mean ok maybe you were just teasing me but why?" I asked looking at the table "because I like the. Way you act you are different from other boys when I was in Manehattan I was with this guy named Fancy Pants and well he would date tons of girls at the same time and brag about how he can sleep with all of them....." She said with a sad look "oh....well I'm sorry he was a jerk trust me I'm not like that idiot" I said smiling "I know...and I'm glad I fell for someone like you" she said "w-what?" I asked blushing "oh gosh! Nothing night darling!" She said running to her room she likes me? Why am I so happy?

Rarity POV

I woke up and everyone was still sleeping I looked over Applejack's sleeping bag but he wasn't there I went to the kitchen and he was making breakfast for everyone I smiled at that and went to get ready the girls woke up and they all took a shower in the other bathrooms in my house the boys were still sleeping me fluttershy and twilight went to the kitchen to eat breakfast made by Applejack "they are still sleeping?" He asked putting two plates on the table "yes" twilight said "I'll be right back" he said walking up to my room "so you and Applejack looks like you both like each other" twilight said smiling "I don't know what you are talking about darling" I said blushing "but you are blushing and I saw how you were looking at Applejack back there" fluttershy said whispering "what if u do? He won't like me....." I said sad "and if he does like you what would you do?" Twilight asked eating her pancakes "I'll do anything to make him happy" I said "then make some moves" fluttershy said "oh please said by you it sounds like a joke when are you going to tell rainbow Dash?" I said  looking at her ".....i-i d-don't know...." She said looking at her plate "just make sure to not loose him got it darling?" I said she nodded we heard yelling from my room "what are y'all doing still in bed?" That southern accent is so attractive is that Applejack? I thought "yea we are getting up jeez AJ" rainbow said coming down the stairs and ran to an empty sit with a plate of pancakes on the pinkie came down and winked at twilight she just giggled and he sat next to rainbow eating his pancakes last to come down was Applejack when he came down I could help but blush I quickly looked at my plate and the girls giggled "what?" The boys said in union "nothing" we girls said in union

Crap how do I get him to be mine?

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