Ahsoka X Female! Reader

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'leave and don't ever come back you disgraceful girl! You are no longer apart of this family! LEAVE NOW AND DON'T COME BACK!'

Today was my birthday and I was celebrating it with my family, minus my dad. My family seemed so happy, so I thought it was the best time to tell them that I was bisexual. Little did I know, it would break apart my family.

We were out shopping getting my birthday and some gift. We stopped off at a café, so I thought why not tell them now.

"umm I have something to tell you guys. I have been hiding it because I was scared of how you will react, but seeing as it is my birthday and we are all together, I think this is the best time to tell you... I am bisexual..." I confessed.


My mum dropped her drink. It crashed down onto the floor, spilling the liquid inside. My sister just stared at me in shock and anger. All attention in the café was currently on us due to the spillage. Moment past and neither my sister or my mum had spoken. I only just realised what I did. My older sister was kicked out of the house when I was five, but I never knew why. Only now do I realise that she was kicked out because she was dating her female friend.

"leave and don't ever come back you disgraceful girl! You are no longer apart of this family! LEAVE NOW AND DON'T COME BACK!" my mum screamed as she stood up from her seat. I could see the anger in her eyes. She grabbed my sister's hand stormed out of the café with everything we had just gotten.

I felt tears fall down my check and onto my lap. I left so money on the table and then ran out of the café with waterfalls coming down my checks. My own mother and sister just disowned me. My sister left with her girlfriend. As for my father, I don't know what happened to him. I kept on running. Running away from my home, my past.

It's been over a week since my birthday and I haven't stopped running. I was currently on a ship that would take me to another planet. Which one? I am not sure. Right now, I would go anywhere as long as it is away from my home planet. Eventually, the ship landed, and everyone got out. I walked of the ship soon after everyone else got off. The port was very crowded. Fully of civilians and what looked to be clone troopers? I was walking away from the port when someone bashed into the side of me and knocked me to the floor.

A few seconds after, a hand appeared in front of my face. I looked up to see who it belongs to and there I saw an angel. (idk) They had orange skin with some parts on her face white. She had beautiful white and blue hair. I grabbed a hold of her hand and she helped me back onto my feet. That was when I saw her beautiful blue eyes with concern and worry in them.

 That was when I saw her beautiful blue eyes with concern and worry in them

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"thank you for helping me. I apologise if I caused you a problem ma'am," I said in a quiet voiced, laced with guilt and kindness.

"It's fine. It is my jobs to help and save civilians after all. My name is Ahsoka, Ahsoka Tano. What is your name?" she asked.

"My name is Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you. I just arrived here from my home planet Lothal," I explained.

"Really? I haven't seen many people here that have come from Lothal. May I ask why you came here?" she asked as she started walking, signalling me to walk with her.

"Umm well I was kicked out and disowned by my mother and my younger sister, so I came here to see if I could find my older sister or my father," I said. I could feel tears brim in my eyes as I thought of what my mother had told me. I was taken out of thought when I felt an arm wrap themselves around my shoulders. I looked to my left and noticed that Ahsoka had a face full of worry and anger. "I only met my father when I was younger and all I can remember was that he was force sensitive like me!"

"Funny you should say that, I am actually apart of the Jedi order. I am the padawan of Anakin Skywalker," Ahsoka said in a very cheery voice. It was like she had completely forgotten what I had told her. "anyway, it was lovely talking to you, but I have to get back to the temple. It was a pleasure meeting you though."

After we said out goodbyes, we went our separate ways. She went to the temple whereas, I went to find somewhere decent to sleep and maybe even find a job.

Weeks have past and me and Ahsoka haven't seen each other. I able to get a nice room in this hotel, but I had to work there as payment, although I do get a pay. The room is really nice, and the jobs is easy. I work at the front desk. So, I give to the guests their room keys and they room number and sometimes, I have to take their luggage to their room.

Ahsoka's POV:

It been weeks since I've seen Y/N and I will admit that I can't stop thinking about her. She hasn't left my thoughts. Everything always makes me think of her H/L H/C or her beautiful E/C. I must have been very busing in thought because Anakin tapped my shoulder with a rather annoyed face.

"Did you not her what I just said? We are needed by the Jedi council. You know they don't like to be kept waiting so come on," he explained as he started to walk toward the door.


Throughout that whole meeting, Y/N was on my mind. Why can't I stop thinking about her? She's just a random person I met once! I must have said that out loud because Anakin stopped me from walking any further and made me explain what I meant. I refused to tell him, but he was able to make me.

"While I was out in the city a few weeks ago, I met this girl. Her name is Y/N. she told me that her mother and younger sister disowned her because she was bisexual. She is here hoping that she is able to find her older sister or father, who she doesn't remember that much of. When she told me this, I got really mad because of her family. Ever since I met her, she has always been on my mind. Everything that I hear somehow makes me think of her and I don't know why. I don't know what to do..." I explained. I could see from Anakin's face that he knew why I kept on think about her and that he has a plan which scares me as hardly any of his plans work.

"okay so this is what you need to do..."


Anakin's plan was silly but at the same time it might actually work. I really hope it works because this might be the only chance I get to tell her. Anakin and Obi-wan were currently out trying to find her, that way we could bring her here to the temple. About half an hour later, they came back with a confused Y/N but once she saw my face, her face turned happy and calm.

"Umm it's nice to see you again Y/N. you were brought here because I have something to tell you. Well I am not going to tell you, rather sing it to you,"

"over the past weeks, you have been stuck in my head. I haven't stopped thinking about you ever since we met each other. The song was there to tell you that I love you and that I don't care if you don't love me ba- "I was interrupted by Y/N kissing me on the lips. I was so surprised that it took me a moment before I was able to kiss her back. We soon stopped kissing and her face was almost like a tomato from how much she was blushing. But I probably looked the same colour as her, maybe even darker. "Umm one more thing Y/N, I was able to find your father. He is right behind you."

She turned around and there Obi- wan stood with a cheeky grin on his face and his hands behind his back in a polite way.

"It's a pleasure to see you again. My daughter..."


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