Chapter One

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-Tessa's POV-

I stare out the window as palm trees and large buildings pass by in a blurr. I have actually never been a fan of LA, with its large buildings blocking out the sky, and the way you can never see the stars at night because of the smoke and pollution that fill the sky. The only thing I really like, is the sun. But since my parents had left on a business trip to Dubai for the next three months, I am staying with my cousin Mahogany.

For some reason, with our very different personalities, me and Mahogany have a great relationship. Even though I'm not a fan of her style, or the way she likes to shop 24/7, she's still a great person to talk to and hang out with.

"So Tessa, we're going to meet them at a group of condos right on the beach that we'll be staying at while you visit since Magcon isn't touring!" Mahogany says turning to me, a wide smile stretched across her face.

I smile, turning to see her. "Great! Sounds cool! I've never been to an L.A. condo before!" I reply then turn back to staring out the window.

We're going to meet a group of boys that are apparently extremely popular. The only reason I know about them is because my friends back in New York are completely obsessed. I didn't even know I was going to meet them until yesterday after I got of the plane when Mahogany told me. And I'm not planning on telling my friends either, they would completely freak out.

"You're really quiet. What's up?" Mahogany asks lightly tapping my shoulder.

I turn to her and sigh. "It's nothing. I just didn't expect to be spending a whole three months with some boys I don't even know."

Mahogany laughs. "Listen. These boys are hilarious, you're going to like them all a lot! All you have to do is be yourself, they don't judge people as easy as you may think. Plus, you'll be staying in your own condo, so you won't have to be around them the whole time if you don't want." She says.

I sigh, "Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just never good at meeting people. I'm only what fifteen? And they're all what sixteen through twenty? I don't know a lot about them anyways." I say twirling my long bright blond hair between my fingers.

"Actually, not knowing them is probably better. If you were obsessed like some of the girls I've seen, they'd be avoiding you. So just chill and you'll be fine. Plus Hayes is your age anyways." She says flattening out her skirt. "You'll do just find I promise you."

"Okay." I say turning back again to the window.

After about twenty minutes, we turn a corner and we're right next to the beach. I smile at the beautiful water and palm trees that line the sand. People walk up and down the boardwalk, and kids and adults float and file into the ocean water.

"The condos are about ten minutes from here. They're on a beach that's kinda hidden, that way we have the beach to ourselves!" Mahogany says pointing to a spot ahead of us that is full of trees.

"Cool! I don't like sharing the beach with a lot of people, so that's good!" I say examining the trees. "Are they already there?" I ask, still gazing at the trees.

"Yep! We're the last one's to arrive! These three months are going to be fantastic!"


After ten minutes, we arrive at a long shaded driveway with trees hanging above it. The drive twists and turns and is a little bumpy. But finally, after coming out the driveway, a hidden group of gorgeous condos is revealed.

I scramble against my window and gaze in wonder at the beauty. The condos are built around a bright glistening pool. And about 50 yards away is the water. Palm trees and hammocks line the beach, and a fire pit still glowing with embers sits in the sand.

"This is beautiful!" I exclaim as we come to a stop. Mahogany giggles and jumps out of the car.

For a moment, I don't see anyone near the condos. But as I open my door, I notice a group of about seven to eight boys relaxing on one of the decks of the middle condo.

One of them notices us and calls everyone to come.

When they reach the car, they all give Mahogany either a hug, high-five, or side hug. They talk for awhile as I lean against the car. And I can only get about a third of every conversation.

When everything settles down, Mahogany comes over to me, slinging her arm over my shoulder and says. "This is Tessa, she'll be staying with us for the next three months."

All the boys immediately all say "Hello!" at once.

"Okay. So Tessa, that's Cameron, Nash, Carter, Jack J, Hayes, Jack G, Taylor, and Matthew." Mahogany says pointing to each one of them.

"Nice to meet you all." I say, trying not to sound nervous.

"It'll be easy to remember each of our names once you get to know us." One of them says shaking my hand, I think it's Cameron.

"Okay, let's get changed and head out to the beach! This heat is killing me!" Mahogany says as she begins walking over to the nearest condo. "This one's your's Tessa!"

All the boys begin heading in the direction to each one of their condos and I begin to follow Mahogany.

About half way there someone grabs my shoulder and stops me. "Hey." The voice says.

I turn around to see a boy only about an inch and a half taller than me, and looks about my same age. His long brown hair shades his beautiful blue eyes, and he wears a dark grey sweater with light brown pants and a hat worn backwards on his head. I catch myself staring and quickly stop myself.

"I'm Hayes." He says putting his hands in his pockets, his smile is just perfect revealing perfect white teeth. "You probably didn't catch that back there. Mahogany isn't real good at introducing people."

"I kinda noticed that.." I say smirking. Hayes smiles and nods. "Name's Tessa."

"Nice to meet you. I was kind of excited to find out someone actually my age was coming to hang out with us, kinda gets boring hanging out with the older guys." He's saying looking over at the older boys as they walk to their condos.

I smile and nod. "Yeah. I was kinda nervous, I'm never good at meeting new people."

Hayes laughs. "You'll be fine. We're gonna have lots of fun. There's a ton of things to do."

"Haha yeah. Okay, well I'll see you in a bit, the ocean is calling me!" I laugh.

Hayes laughs and stares at me for a moment before responding. "Okay, I'll see you out there. I think were gonna play volleyball. Nice to meet you by the way." He says turning and walking toward the group of boys.

"Nice to meet you too." I say. Then I quickly walk over to my condo, where my bags have already been set by the door by our driver.

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