Boys Next Door Ch.73

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Liam's POV: Where all sitting in the dressing room and Harry is freaking out so he's in the bathroom singing "isn't she lovely!" really loud. Then Niall walks in with a paper. "Hey Harry Niall's back with a letter from your love!" Louis screams trying too be louder then his singing. "She did!" Harry runs out of the bathroom. *Harry Edward Styles I have been freaking out all day cause I am scared of what the future holds for us. But I know with you by my side we can go throw anything hard together. Remember that day I wouldn't come out of the hotel room for hours and you finally came in too see if I was okay that was the day I fell for you hard and I knew I would do anything too be your only girl. The day you asked me too be your girlfriend I was scared too death that I was just another girl for that week and I know today that I wasn't. Your the love of my life and today I become your wife. P.s I can't wait too be a styles.;) I love you Harry. Kendall xx* "Mate I think she's the one too clam you down and teach you too be a man." I say. "I'am ready for this mates." Harry says walking too the bathroom and he starts singing "Everything about you." "I don't know if I can stay for the wedding." Zayn says looking at the ground. "Why not?" Niall say. "Cause the one I still love is getting married too one of my best friends and it kills me. Cause that should me be!" Zayn says a little loud. Then you hear the room got quiet and Harry stopped singing. The bathroom door opens and Harry walks out. "Zayn you don't have too be here if you don't want but please don't make a sense today cause today is all about Kendall and I. She's worked her bum off at this wedding and she's been freaked that someone would mess it up and I promised no one would so if you will I would like you too leave." Harry say and looks like he's gonna cry. "You know what I will leave cause I would say something during that wedding and I may regret it later in life." Zayn says slamming the dressing room door be hide him. "Zayn.." Harry says walking back into the bathroom but he's not singing it's just quite. "Well we have 10 minutes till it's time." Louis says looking at Niall and I.

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