Chapter Four

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I sat on my bed, dumbstruck and at a loss for words, as Connor stared at me, his eyes wet, searching my expression for some sign of rejection, confusion, anger; but all I knew in that moment was love as the events of the past day suddenly began to make sense... 

After pulling up to the VidCon entrance, Caleb had agreed to escort us into the part of the building where access was restricted to "special guests." The lobby wasn't as crowded as we thought, although there were still perhaps fourty teens sprawled across the couches by the front desk. Of those teens, maybe thirty recognized at least one of us and lept from their comfortable positions, cameras in hand. Thankfully since no one else rushed over, we waved Caleb off and took selfies with all of them, finally bidding them goodbye after making sure we had left each fan with a good memory.

We loved interacting with our fans when they were calm and relaxed. It let us imagine them complexely, not just as our viewers but real people, and possible friends. Only when things got dangerous and out of hand did we back away. 

The next few hours we spent inside the convention center. We all hung out with Hannah for a while, catching up, as I hadn't seen her in what felt like years. She squealed and hugged me when I finally gave her the inside scoop on TRXYE, saying she couldn't wait to hear the song on the main stage. Connor was unusually quiet at my side. Most times he and Hannah got on like peas in a pod, but not today. Thankfully Hannah didn't mention it.

After we ate an early lunch (all they served backstage was disgustingly healthy food, so I wound up getting a Red Bull and telling everyone I would just eat later) Tyler and Hannah left for rehersal. It was from noon to two, and Korey tagged along to supervise; so Connor and I decided we would go to the pool. Caleb had to escort us back to the hotel, then to the pool once more, but he said he would wait in the car when we ran in to grab our swimming costumes.

By the time we got back to the pool, thirty minutes had passed. I groaned aloud at the now-crowded pool as we walked in.

"Fuck, we're never gonna find seats," Connor sighed.

"Oh, look!" I pointed to the left by the jacuzzi. A family of three were packing up their things, so we wandered over and tried to hang around inconspiciously, waiting for the family to clear out. The mom looked at us and rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. They had only gone a few steps when I plopped down on the nearest chair.

"If you save us seats, I'll go get us drinks," Connor offered, gesturing to the poolside bar.

"Deal," I agreed, crossing my legs and putting my hands behind my head.

"Uh, unless you want me to buy you a drink..." he trailed off, holding his hand out palm-side up.

"Isn't that how it usually goes on first dates? You were supposed to be the gentleman."

Connor smirked at me, but there was a flicker of another emotion in his eyes before he pulled down his sunglasses.

"If this is a quality first date to you, you need to up your game. Money, please." 


I grudgingly handed him a twenty from my pocket, hoping it would be enough. I wasn't good at making the conversion from Australian to American dollars- it didn't even feel like real money when I spent it.  

"Get me one of those yummy fruity drinks!" I called after him, grinning. He spun on his heel, continuing to walk backwards as he replied. 

"Not your usual, then?" He asked, referencing my well-known favourite, a Budlight Lime. 

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