Chapter 2

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The brunette and blonde had finally made their way to the store. It only took about five minutes, but with the awkwardness in the air when Fuyuhiko was listening to his music, it felt like hours.

Once parked, the blonde wasted no time getting out of the tense atmosphere as he shot out of the passengers seat. Hajime walked out as well and gave him his signature friendly smile.

They walked in the store and searched the isles for food they wanted, when they were in the section with paper towels, Fuyuhiko spotted a familiar face.

Peko was there with another girl with short hair, and a black shirt with jeans along with black gloves. Pekos crimson eyes just happened to gaze over to Fuyuhiko, and a soft smile grew on her pale face.

"Fuyuhiko, it's nice to see you." Peko hummed looking to her best friend. Fuyuhiko nodded.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you to Peko, even though we saw each other just this morning." Fuyuhiko pointed out with a barely noticeable smile.

"Who's that?" Hajime asked looking at Peko.

"Ah, you must be Fuyuhikos dorm mate. I'm Peko Pekoyama, Fuyuhikos friend. And this is Kirumi Tojo, my dorm mate." Peko introduces herself and her dorm mate.

"It's nice to meet you both." Kirumi says politely. Fuyuhiko could immediately tell why her and Peko got along already. They were both very calm and polite.

Peko walked up to Hajime and held her hand out for him to shake.

"It is nice to meet you Hajime" Peko said. Hajime took her hand and shook it, offering a smile.

"It's nice to meet you to Peko!" Hajime hummed happily. Peko allowed a smile of her own to graze her lips.

"You seem Kind." Peko says. Hajime blushed and said a small 'thank you'.

Meanwhile Fuyuhiko was grabbing the paper towels and putting them in the cart. He didn't really feel like joining the conversation. He felt a hand on his shoulder and immediately recognized the touch.

"What is it Peko?" Fuyuhiko asked. Hajime seemed quite surprised that the boy immediately knew who it was.

"Are you okay Fuyuhiko?" Peko asked him quietly. Fuyuhiko looked at his concerned friend and gave her a nod.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You know how I am." Fuyuhiko answered softly. His gaze was now glued to the floor.

"Yes, if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." Peko stated, she never wanted to golden eyed boy to feel alone. Fuyuhiko appreciated that.

"Fuyuhiko, we got the paper towels and toilet paper. Is there anything else we need?" Hajime asked. Fuyuhiko looked over at their cart. They had food, cleaning supplies and some varieties of drinks. Fuyuhikos face flushed when he realized what he wanted to get.

"Um, Fuyuhiko?" Hajime hummed concerned. Fuyuhiko turned away, his face red with embarrassment.

"J-just... l-lets go. A-and don't question what I buy! See you later Peko." Fuyuhiko yelped turning away and pushing the cart with a confused Hajime following him.

Fuyuhiko made it to the baking section and grabbed things like flour, sugar, and more essential baking items. The blonde looked up to a confused Hajime. His face turned an even deeper shade of red.

"What?! D-don't look at me like that." Fuyuhiko growls with a red face. He was always embarrassed by his hobbies. Especially when he made fried dough cookies as a hobby.. Hajime was surprised by Fuyuhikos sudden small burst of anger, this whole time Fuyuhiko seemed very quiet and shy. Was he normally angry? Or was he just embarrassed by what he's buying?

Fuyuhiko put the last item that he needed in the cart. He looked down at his feet nervously going up and down on his toes.

"Is this all?" Hajime asked. Fuyuhiko gave a nod and they walked out of the isle and went to check out. Fuyuhiko, apparently, had suddenly found that the ground was quite entertaining, seeing as he wouldn't look up. In all honestly, he was very embarrassed. Not only of Hajime seeing what he bought, but also of yelling at Hajime.

Hajime reached into his wallet to pay, but before he could, Fuyuhiko took out his credit card and swiped it in the machine.

"F-Fuyuhiko? You don't have to-" Hajime began but was cut off by the blonde.

"No, shut up. I'm paying." Fuyuhiko growled and put his credit card back in his wallet after paying. They put the bags of groceries back into the cart and walked to Hajimes car in silence. They put the groceries in the trunk and had another awkward 5 minute drive.

Fuyuhiko, like before, immediately got out of the car. And they began carrying the groceries to their dorm in more awkward silence. Fuyuhiko hated every second of silence, it only made him grow more anxious. He made a decision and his eyes lit up with determination.

Suddenly he was walking faster. Hajime tried catching up to Fuyuhiko, wondering about the boys sudden gleam in his eyes.

They got into the dorm and put everything away. After, they ate pizza. An unhealthy meal, but at least it was food.

After eating Hajime went to his room, saying goodbye to Fuyuhiko. That's when Fuyuhiko jumped up from his chair determinedly.

It was time to do something nice for once.

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