Uhhhhh Hi

13 4 3

Tagged by Talthony101

Apparently I was also tagged by @a_wild_kashi

I tag
My soul
Wait that's nonexistent let's start :)

1. I have braces

2. My account is dying

3. I've never wanted to stab my parents more than when they said Non-Binary and other things like that were just things people made up to seem "cool"

4. I've become Thomas Sanders T R A S H.. Specifically trash of Virgil

5. Whydoihavesunmerassignmentskillme

6. I finished the first book of three for my reading advanced classes assignment

7. My younger cousin(by a year) said she was depressed today because we got into an argument because I didn't want to play a game.

8. She blamed the argument on me when I tried to decline nicely and she started text yelling at me.

9. I managed to cut myself on a h o s e  when my family dragged me swimming today

10. I've been in either a strangely bad mood or strangely good mood since I came back from DC(that was cool)

See Ya

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