I want to give up

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My sister and I are constantly arguing. My parents are constantly getting angry because of it. My mom yelled at because my sister started yelling at me because I told her to wear jeans! WHY NOT MY SISTER?! HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT THAT I AM SO CLOSE TO GIVING UP AT SCHOOL! I AM SO CLOSE TO STOP TRYING TO MAKE YOU PROUD! I AM SO CLOSE TO COLLAPSING AND I'M ALREADY STARTING TO CRUMBLE! ALL YOU EVER SAY IS, "Why are you always so tired? You went to school! Why are you tired?!" HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT HOW EXHAUSTING IT IS TO HAVE SCHOOL?! TO DO MY BEST! No. I'm done. That's it. I'm not making you proud anymore. I'm doing this for myself, not you. I'm doing this for my future. Not yours. I don't care what you say. If you ever say, "You're making us so proud! Keep it up!" I'll say, "I'm not doing it for you. Not anymore. Not ever again. I'm doing it for me." Sorry that was a little note to my parents that they'll never see. Sorry...

See Ya

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