Chapter V: Crash

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I was loving the basket of crispy fries soaked with ketchup sitting in front of me and I kept right on eating as my friend, Destiny, rambled on about God knows what. I popped another fry in my mouth, licked the ketchup off my thumb and forefinger and reached for another one. I haven't looked up at Destiny since the waiter brought out our food.

"Girl, are you going to slow down anytime soon," joked Destiny as I swallowed a mouthful of strawberry lemonade and went back to my fries.

"You know fried food comforts my soul." This statement was beyond true. I am usually a conscious eater but this divorce had driven me back to fast-food, sweets and loads of unhealthy crap. 

"So I am guessing the meeting did not go well?" Destiny asked as she began eating her salad. 

"He had the audacity to show up with hickeys on his damn neck."

"Oh no he did not!"

I shook my head while shrugging my shoulders. "I don't care what he does but he could have waited." 

"Ava, you know you still love that man."

Destiny was right. I did love Taj. I never pictured us here, getting a divorce. It pained me seeing those marks on his neck. Knowing that someone else was pleasuring him the way I once was hurt. 

My bottom lip started trembling and the tears began to flow. Destiny looked up to see me fanning my eyes.

"I am sorry." I did not want to cause a scene in public.

"No need to apologize," she said handing me some napkins to dry my eyes. " When Ray and I broke up it was heartbreaking. I can only imagine how hard this is."

18 years of being together and 9 years of marriage down the drain. Who wouldn't be heartbroken?

"The thing is we both made horrible mistakes. But I thought we were strong enough to get over it."

Eight Years Ago

It has been six months since Jayla passed. Taj and I have been doing great until this month. Christmas will be here soon so I am guessing that is the reason why. I know grieving over the loss of a child was going to be difficult, but not this difficult. I have come to accept the fact that Jayla's death wasn't my fault; some idiot decided to drink and drive and she was the reason why my baby girl is no longer with me.

I felt myself pulling away from Taj but with the help of my mom, I realized I should be clinging to him. But I can't help but think that he blames me. He says he doesn't but his negligence has shown me otherwise.

I heard the front door closed, followed by approaching footsteps and I knew Taj just got home. He walked into the bedroom seconds later. He just got off an 18-hour shift from the hospital. When Taj started working again that is when everything changed. He is not as comforting as he used to be and the distance between us is only extending. 

"Hey love," I chirped, getting up following him into the bathroom.

"Hey Ava," he muttered monotonously. Before he had the chance to walk away from me, I grabbed his arm which caught him off guard. I was always the timid one when it came to doing anything sexual, but I did not care at this moment. I forced him to face me with only inches between us. Several seconds passed until I smashed my lips into his. 

"What are you d-doing Ava?"  his voice hitched as my hand traveled down his body.

"What do you mean," I purred into his ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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