Chapter III: 1 + 1 = 3

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He looked at me stonily as if I was the one who was mad. I closed my eyes, reflecting on the years of our marriage. Where did it go wrong? Where did we go wrong? I forced my mind to look for inanimate traces- some type of indicator. Then it dawned on me. I opened my eyes.

"What would Jayla think if she was here?" I sobbed.

His thoughts were silent and his anger remained unspoken, but ripples of rage filtered across his eyes and into the stillness of the room.

"Don't you dare," he warned.

My lawyer, Paul, shifted uneasily in his seat as the room fell dead. Taj's lawyer, Michael, fiddled with his pen with calloused fingers. I could sense that they were uncomfortable.

Paul cleared his throat before speaking: "We do not have to do this today."

Taj smacked his teeth and rolled his eyes.

"Clearly, emotions are high," he continued. "And both of you agreed to do this without any animosity. With that being said, same time next week?"

Michael nodded his head in agreement and they both got up to leave.

As soon as the door shut, Taj leaned forward.

"You should know that bringing up my daughter was a fucking a mistake," he barked. His authoritative voice hit me in my gut, startling me.

"Our," I stated with just as much power.


"Our! She was our daughter!" I slammed the table. I was mad now.

Nine Years Ago

I felt the bed shift and the covers being pulled off my body. I already knew it was Taj. He had the habit of waking up feeling late. He will always dress in a rush, scarf down a bagel with hazelnut cream, kiss Jayla and I goodbye and head to the hospital.

"Taj, I don't mind the fact that you have to get up so damn early but why must you wake me in the process?" I groaned, sitting up on the bed. I glanced at the clock. It was 4 am. I will never be a morning person. I guess that is why I dreaded school. I loved learning-still do, but the whole get up at dawn is a no no.

He is a doctor. So I expected the early mornings and late nights but sometimes I wish he wasn't gone so often now that Jayla is here. But hey, we knew what we were stepping into when we decided to go to medical school.

" I'm sorry babe. I have to go in earlier than usual to make sure the interns aren't killing my patients." He leaned over and kissed me.

I chuckled, remembering how angry he was the night before when he came home. One of his "idiotic, brainless interns" started a patient on total parenteral nutrition after mishearing his attending physician.

"No need to apologize. Go save lives, my love." I smiled up at him.

"I love you."

"I love you too Taj."


"Now Jayla, be a good girl for mommy and stop the tears," I ordered. I glanced in the review mirror at my brown eyed one-year-old daughter, who is currently screaming her lungs out and squirming in her car seat. Her ass was spoiled remotely because of her father but I did play a part in that somewhat. I can't believe she will be two years old soon and of course, she is a brainiac like her parents.

I had to drop off at daycare before I went to work. I am an occupational therapist and I absolutely love what I do. Occupational therapy is a very impactful career. The ability to be self-efficient in life is crucial for not only survival but happiness; OT's help their clients become self-reliant. I assist people who have suffered spinal cord injuries and help them do everyday activities. Currently, I am working with a high school senior and linebacker on a local school's football team, Joquain Adams. He sustained a complete spinal cord injury after a hard hit on the field. Is there a possibility for him to regain complete function? Walk again? Play again? There's a chance with great rehabilitation but his family has come to accept the fact that his dream to play in the NFL is over.

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