"There's my new favorite couple." Christina beamed before opening her arms to hug Cassie.

"Don't be extra, we live together." Cassie playfully shoved her sister off of her.

"You're so rude!" Christina gritted at her before turning her attention to me. "Hey Seannnnn." She sung.

"What's up Chrissy." I greeted before we shared a hug.

"See Cas, this is how you be nice. Take notes." Christina teased her while I held her in my embrace.

"Whatever." Cassie rolled her eyes. "Anyways, where's everybody at?"

"Mom is in the kitchen cooking. Dad and RJ are outside at the grill with Uncle Rob and Uncle Tony. Everybody else is just scattered around." Christina informed her.

"Let's go see my mom first." Cassie told me while I simply nodded and followed her through the house. We walked into the kitchen where there were two women putting food in foil containers; one of the ladies I'm assuming to be Cassie's mom.

"Just in time. Check that baked macaroni in the oven for me." One of the women said to Cassie upon seeing her.

"Well hello to you too." Cassie snarled while doing what she was told. Since Cassie was occupied, I decided to take the initiative and introduce myself to the two ladies.

"Hi, I'm Sean. I'm Cassie's boyfriend." I introduced myself, gaining the attention of both of the ladies.

"You're Sean Combs." One of the ladies identified me, looking to be shocked.

"That is me." I smiled and nodded in confirmation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dawn Kelly, Casandra's aunt." The woman told me as she extended her hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you as well." I flashed her a smile before turning my attention to the other woman, who was most likely Cassie's mom.

"I'm Regina, Cassie's mom. Nice to meet you you." Regina introduced herself to me in a slightly more serious tone while I shook her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I see who Cassie gets her gorgeousness from now." I complimented, causing her to blush a little.

"Thank you." Regina humbly smiled. "All of the food should be finished shortly. Please make yourself at home."

"Thank you." I gave her a smile.

"Wow, you make my boyfriend feel more welcomed than I do." Cassie pointed out while I chuckled.

"Maybe you should start coming around more then." Regina retorted to Cassie while smacked her lips.

"I get really busy." Cassie tried to justify, sighing a little.

"If you can make time for a boyfriend, you can make time for your family." Regina rebutted while I couldn't help but to nod in agreement. No matter how busy I may get, I always make sure to make time for my kids, my family, and even Cassie. You make time for the things that you care about.

"I'll make sure that she'll come around more." I seriously told Regina while eyeing Cassie.

"I'd greatly appreciate it." Regina smiled as she finished up her cooking. Cassie ended up motioning for me to come with her before we both walked out of the door that led to the backyard. Outside of the house was way more hectic than inside. There were kids splashing and playing in the pool, some people sitting on chairs outside of the pool, and a few people near the grill. I followed Cassie over towards the grill where four men were at.

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