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taehyung, jimin and namjoon had just parked in the car park of 'planet queer'. jimin got out of the drivers side and locked the car as he was followed by the younger boys. they walked towards the entrance and made their way inside and looked around at the sight before them; a few people sat at the bar and some groups of people huddled at the tables. there were people making out in the corner and quite a few more people dancing to the music that was playing from the speakers, but it wasn't deafeningly loud which the boys were thankful for.

"so, do any guys catch your attention?" jimin asked taehyung as he wrapped his arm around namjoon's waist protectively.

taehyung shook his head. "no, not really."

"well, we just got here so give it some time," jimin reassured.

"i'll go get us some drinks. what do you guys want?" taehyung said.

"a beer," jimin said. "but only half a pint, i have to drive home.

"i'll have one, too," namjoon said. taehyung nodded before separating himself from the couple and walking over to the bar. he watched as the other two walked over to a free table and sat down.

"two pints and one half pint, please," taehyung said politely. the bartender sent taehyung a nod before grabbing the glasses and pouring the beer.

taehyung glanced to his left as the bartender was still pouring the drinks and saw a boy that immediately spiked his interest. he had black hair that was slightly parted and the most beautiful eye smile. taehyung couldn't take his eyes off of the mysterious boy.

"here you go," the bartender said, interrupting taehyung from his train of thought. taehyung regained his senses and paid the bartender before swiftly managing to carry all three beers over to the table where namjoon and jimin were sat without spilling any.

he set the drinks down on the table and sat on the chair opposite the other two. they were making conversation but taehyung wasn't paying much attention as he kept staring at the boy at the bar who's back was facing him. he looks so petite, taehyung thought. so pretty.

"hey, tae, are you even listening," jimin said, snapping his fingers in front of taehyung's face.

"huh?" the younger mumbled.

"who are you staring at?" namjoon asked.

taehyung glanced back at the boy at the bar, causing for jimin and namjoon to turn around to see who taehyung was so focused on.

"go talk to him," jimin said, well, more like demanded.

"what do i say?" taehyung asked.

"just, start up a conversation," namjoon advised. taehyung nodded before getting up and walking back towards the bar, sitting on a stool that was two stools away from where the boy was sat.

he bit his lip before deciding to speak. "hi."

the boy glanced at him, eyeing him up and down. "hey."

taehyung cracked, he couldn't keep up the façade of pretending he knew what he was doing. "i'm sorry, i've never been with a guy before. but i don't know if i'm gay so i came here to find out, but i still don't know and you're really pretty. i'm so sorry, fuck," taehyung said, slamming his head down on the bar.

real smooth, taehyung, he thought.

he heard what he assumed was the boys stool move and he felt his presence come nearer to him.

"wanna head back to my place?" the boy asked.

taehyung lifted his head up to face the boy in front of him. "wait, seriously? i mean- yeah... yeah, i do," taehyung replied.

the other giggled. "you're cute."

"not as cute as you," taehyung said, confidence laced in his words. but, in all seriousness, he was shitting himself.

"do you mind driving? i've had a couple of pints and don't trust myself behind the wheel," the other asked.

"sure," taehyung said as the boy handed him the keys.

"i'll give you the directions."

they left and entered his car, taehyung started the car after putting his seatbelt on and followed the boy's directions.

"so, what's your name?" taehyung asked.

"jungkook. you?" the boy, now known as jungkook, replied.


they soon arrived outside what taehyung assumed to be jungkook's apartment building. they entered and made their way up to jungkook's floor and went inside his apartment.

"follow me," jungkook said, leading taehyung into his living room. "make yourself comfortable, i'll go get us some drinks."

taehyung sat down on the sofa and took a brief look around the room. it was simple looking; some family portraits here and there. it was mostly black and white coloured and was pretty modern.

jungkook soon returned with a bottle of scotch and two glasses. he sat down next to taehyung and poured the liquor into both of the glasses, handing one of them to taehyung.

"so, you're having a dilemma with your sexuality?" jungkook said.

"yeah. i dated girls all throughout school and college, but it never felt right. my friend gave me the idea to go to a gay bar to see if being with a guy would help me figure out what my sexuality is," taehyung replied.

"am i that guy, then?" jungkook questioned, leaning ever so slightly closer.

"if you want to be," taehyung said, his eyes darting down to look at jungkook's lips.

"i'd love to be," jungkook answered.

taehyung grabbed the back of jungkook's neck and kissed the younger. the kiss was rough but neither of them had any intention of pulling away. jungkook raked his fingers through taehyung's hair and tugged at his dark brown locks. taehyung cupped jungkook's cheek with one hand and his other hand rested on the smaller's waist.

taehyung broke the kiss and left a trail of kisses and bites all over jungkook's neck, causing for the younger to close his eyes and tug harder at taehyung's hair.

taehyung gently tugged the bottom of jungkook blouse. "can i take off your shirt?"

jungkook nodded and taehyung undid all of the buttons and removed the shirt, still sucking on jungkook's neck.

"take yours off, too," jungkook breathed out. taehyung quickly took his shirt off before kissing jungkook again, harder this time.



you got

p p p pRANKED

i'm sorry this is shite but i haven't written smut in like a year so i'm still a lil rusty

i hope y'all enjoyed my failed attempt at half smut :)

fuck bitches get money,
— skinny penis

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