Chapter 2: We are friends

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After gathering a bit of courage Tony decides to go back to class, at least he had no choice now that his bag has been obtained by his so called friend. He smiled at the thought. On getting to the front of the school he stopped to take a look at his surroundings and at the schools annex opposite where he stood.

He could remember when seeing the cream colour of the paint on the school made him choose to attend the school when shown a list of schools to choose. There were times when he could sit and play at the swings like the younger ones with no worries or care at all.

Life was pleasant back then until he got into high school, now he wished to see those brightly coloured cream walls that made meaning again. He turned back, looking at his high school now only made him sad and brought horrific memories.

The School's bell jolted him back to reality and with a sigh dragged his feet reluctantly to class.

"we have a new student joining us today... " he could hear Mrs Bentley tattle in her chirped voice as he entered into the class drawing all attention to him.

"How kind of you to join us Tony, You may have your seat..." she said sarcastically bidding him to his sit in a hurry so she could continue her speech, grinning from ear to ear like she was getting a billion dollars from it.

The so called friend smiled at him from the front of the class beside Mrs Bentley as he was going back to his sit and this only made him walk faster.

The rest of Mrs Bentley's speech hovered over him as he kept looking at the time in his usual manner counting down till home time.

"My name's Juliet, I'm from Nigeria, I'm new to this country and school and will like you all to make me feel at home."

Those words brought him back to reality and he looked at the girl who finally puts a name to her face as she stands at the front of the class grinning with so much confidence. How he envies her right now for her boldness. Words keep getting stuck to his throats during presentations.

"Can I sit beside you friend? Thanks, besides I forgot to ask of your name, Tony right? I'm Juliet and here is your bag" she said sitting down on the sit besides him, he could barely bring himself around to respond. "When did she get here and how does one talk so fast? " he thought as he collects his bag from her.


"You seem so shy but I'm really nice, I don't really thinks the girls in this class like me, they all seem snobbish, sticking up their noses as they walk. I really miss home, I'm staying with my aunt but she's barely around so I'm kinda lonely around here....."

"what makes you think I'm gonna be your friend? " he asked suddenly interrupting her ranting

"Ummm, I don't know. Let's just say I have a good feeling about you and you also seem to be a loner here so we kinda need each other"

"oh,, I'm actually doing fine. I have friends but I could actually be your friend if you need one"

"ahahahaha... " she bursts out in laughter jolting him off his seat.

"wh..y are you laughing? " he asks with a quizzical look

"will you stop being pitiful right now and admit you need a friend?" she said hitting him suddenly on the back.

"quiet will you? You are attracting a lot of audience. Friends okay" he says smiling with a thumbs up

"friends!!!" she replies returning the gesture.

The rest of the classes came and went speedily and he barely noticed as he had a friend to keep him company. She kept chattering away and always had a joke to tell for each occasion.

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