Chapter 21 Detoxicate

Start from the beginning

Chu Zhu Yu feels that her face is extremely hot, her nose hard to inhale or exhale the air, his black shining eyes, his smooth skin, his straight nose, the pinkish pale lips, all let her...

Her nose, suddenly there is kind of warm things flowing out, dripping unstoppable.

Chu Zhu Yu looked the changes expression of Xiao Zhi, she wipes her nose. On her hands, it is warm blood stain.

My God, won't it be true, she even has nose bleed?

"Raise your head up." Xiao Zhi busying.

"O... alright." Chu Zhu Yu immediately raised her head up, trying to make an explanation : "People are so easily to have nose bleed, My nose bleeding absolutely not because dumbfounded and mesmerized by your beauty and bleeding..."

After she spoke, she carelessly bite her tongue, this doesn't mean she admitted her guilty.

"I know." He puts his hands to hers and examining her pulse.

"You really know?"


"Oh... it good then." She spoke with kind of guilty tone. Her head starts dizzy, is it because the nose bleeding? Her eyes become heavier.

All her body seems to lose all the energy, she can't endure and close her eyes.

Really want to sleep...

This well known doctors of Cong Zhou, this time is sweating lots because examining Lady Chu pulse who is remain unconscious.

Longer the pulse being examined, the ugliest doctor expression, and more sweat he has.

After the doctor finished examining the pulse, he kneeling in front of the general, terrified : "Xiao Min (a person of certain occupation address themselves) only knows Lady Chu is being poison, but regarding the poison types, Xiao Min skill is limited, unable recognized."

Xiao Zhi facial expression sudden darken, walking until the edge of bed, looking to the unconscious Chu Zhu Yu.

Her corner of eyes, her ears is starting to bleed. Being poison! When she got poison? In this general residence, all the food that she ate, all the water she drank all have been tested, except...

Suddenly, Xiao Zhi remembered the days when Chu Zhu Yu was in Tea House, "Someone!"

"Yes!" one of the guard replied.

"Immediately send out people to find those who work in Xing Yuan Tea House, bring them all!"

"Yes." The guard replied.

Xiao Zhi raised up his fingers, gently tried to find out her breath, even it weak at least she still breathing. On this way, he is ensuring himself that she still alive.

Before, she still able joking with him, but now her facial expression is such white pale, lying on bed. If yesterday, when he brought her back from the Tea House, made the diagnosed of her body...

"Zhu Yu..." he bent down, his fingers cross her facial feature, "Believe on me, won't let you wait too long, I will let you awake!" And those people who poisoning hers, no matter what will happen, he won't let them live!

"General please spares my life! General please spares my life!" The miserable voices, the unstoppable crying sound from inside the room. Many types of the instrument for the torturing being applied, if he could, uncle Fa just wanted to choose fastest death penalty!

"So, will you make a confession of your crime?" Xiao Zhi sitting on the big chair, starting to ask uncle Fa and his eyes radiating murdered glaring.

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