Chapter 15 Troops to Cong Zhou

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Fifty thousand troops are heading to Cong Zhou for dealing with the bandits. All people thought the battle between the palace army with the Bandits of Cong Zhou will fight for quite some time, Xiao Zhi is leading three thousand elite troops, as flash as lightning, surrounded all outside the city of Cong Zhou and corner the bandit to the hills and swept them one by one.

No one knows that Xiao Zhi will use this kind of plan to draw the bandits attention. While he brought the soldier, taking the advantage to kill the bandits in their own hide place.

The originally bandit in Cong Zhou is hundred thousand and now it decrease to thirty thousand. If wants to wipe out them, it doesn't take much time.

While in the center of Luo Yang City, in the palace, a man who is holding secret report, ferociously make a fist of his palm, " Detestable Xiao Zhi, didn't expect use that kind of movement."

"The Third Prince, what should we do now? Does all several years effort being destroyed in such way?" his subordinate who standing near him, carefully asked.

The current Emperor dislike the princes hold the army, so several princes didn't have any military power with them. The Third Prince has spend several years effort in Cong Zhou recruiting soldiers and buying horses, using the status as Bandit in the appearance, whenever the palace sending troops to wipe out the bandits of Cong Zhou, they won't success. It because the influence of the Third Prince in Cong Zhou. Simply say, The Third Prince is Cong Zhou land lord. Cong Zhou is the place for Third Prince to retreat if he loses in competing for the throne. If he really loses, he could start up from Cong Zhou and gaining the power from there.

"Of course I can't afford it." Third Prince hatred voice, he unwillingly that several years effort, being ruined. "Isn't anybody who could stop Xiao Zhi?"

"That Xiao Zhi very good in using his military forces, his martial art is legendary skillful, being afraid..."

"This kind of word, don't need you to remind!" The Third prince kicked that person chest, "I just want to know, how to protect my military force in Cong Zhou!"

The subordinate in pain kneeling to ground, the face turned pale white, if there really a way, then the army won't be defeated till reaching dead-point.

"So, there is no way out?" The third prince feet kick up again, then suddenly he heard woman laughing voice.

He looked to the direction, dressed in pink palace outfit that delivered exquisitely figure, The waist belt which attached by the gems and precious stones make her waist outline more obvious, her brow own pride and extravagance, if she is not the Tenth Princess, Dai Rui Qian, then who will be.

"Huang Mei, how can you come here?" The third prince asked. Even this place inside the palace, it is appertaining a secretive place, only few people who knows this place. While this Tenth Princess who is sharing same mother with him, so that why their relation is closer, once the Third Prince gains the power, naturally the Tenth Princess status also goes up too.

"Just now looking at Huang Xiong's worried expression, makes me feel hilarious. He only Xiao Zhi, that makes Huang Xiong headache." Dai Rui Qin holding her waist and walking inside the room.

"Does he is someone that easy to deal with? If he really easy to deal with, on the earlier you should have make him to be your husband, then my position won't be at danger like now" Third Prince coldly said.

Dui Rui Qin expression changed, gritting her teeth, "Naturally, I hope Huang Xiong is doing fine, you and I are people whom getting in same boat, that's why I especially come here to remind Huang Xiong, nobody is perfect, Xiao Zhi is also human-being, naturally, he has the weakness.

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