Chapter 16 Open widely to Massacre, for Rescuing Zhu Yu

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"What a fuss?" Third prince is displeased.

"Xiao General bring military forces here and surrounded the entire villa!" the servant who is standing outside keeps on talking.

"What?! How could it be, how can Xiao Zhi comes here?" the Third Prince stumbled for while, this time he is secretly coming to Cong Zhou, there only several loyal servant in Luo Yang who knows that he is doing this things. If Xiao Zhi really surrounded this villa, his coming to here will be revealed, "Aren't you, who bring him to here?" his scary eye sight glaring to the man who brought Chu Zhu Yu.

"This servant won't let anyone to follow." That person in black robe explained in hurried.

"So how—-" the third prince closely glaring at Chu Zhu Yu who is fainting, suddenly seeing gold color worm that flying above her hair near her hair pin, " wretched Wen Xiang Cong! Xiao Zhi unexpectedly using Wen Xiang Cong to this woman!"

Wen Xiang Cong is rare insect, the price is also high, one Wen Xiang Cong could cost thousands of gold, even inside the palace, only raised ten of it and never give a test of human blood for the Wen Xiang Cong.

The Third Prince is shocked and angry, he just feel his bones rattle, raised his hand and slapping the faint Chu Zhu Yu.

Chu Zhu Yu in low spirit being slapped once, directly awake, she felt that on her lips corner there was warmth blood dripping.

"Awake?" the Third Prince said, he continuously slapping Chu Zhu Yu, " I never thought that Xiao Zhi willing to use Wen Xiang Cong for you!"

Wen Xiang Cong? Chu Zhu Yu perplexed on the current situation, what should it being called? Being abducted?

"Who are you?" she asked, looking at the Wen Xiang Cong that has been in Third Prince hand. This gold color of insect she ever seen before, the first day she arrived at Cong Zhou, Xiao Zhi letting her to feed the insect one drip of her blood.

"Why this kind of insect eat the blood?" that time she was curious asked.

"As long as it ever tasted the person blood, this type of insect is very sensitive with the person scent, so no matter where the person goes in the four corner of world, do not afraid can't be able to find the person." He gently strokes the golden bug, "Zhu Yu, in such way, no matter where you go, I will still able to find you."

Finds her... finds her...

The pain in her face not really obvious, she only thinks whether he can find her or not.

"You are not in situation and level to know who I am!" Third Prince ordering servant to stand Chu Zhu Yu up, "since Xiao Zhi dares to surrounded my villa, I wanted to know, your existence will give what kind of effect toward him!"

Outside, people shouting, the roaring voices of the soldiers, the sound of the weapons, and also the flesh piercing weapons which the sound makes people shuddered.

"Bring all the military forces in here, unexpectedly Xiao Zhi dares to surrounded my place, then I will make him no place to back!" about the matter that he promised his Huang Mei, only after he finished dealing with this situation, he will clarify to her.

Chu Zhu Yu can feel, this is not ordinary military forces, but the man in front of her, wearing such glamour clothes, and also mention about "military force" these two words.

"Does this person is using her to face Xiao Zhi? That man who cares her, a man that dotting her much, what will happen to him? Once her thought about him who will get problems because of her, perhaps being injured, her heart seems to be dragged out, it hurts.

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