Part 5: a gentle voice and a changed world

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Hello all, I'm so sorry for the long wait- our long-awaited meeting has come at last. ;)
I just wanted to mention, that without your kind works of encouragement, I don't think I'd be here writing this story. <3
I do apologise, I understand, more than you know, how frustrating it is when authors don't finish their stories, so, here's the latest update. Hopefully, you enjoy it!

Anakin's tie-fighter touched down on the peaceful planet of Naboo. The sith lord took a few moments to compose himself, the memories he had on the planet were far, far too vivid for his liking.

For him and Padmé, it was the start of the end.

But, this time, Anakin didn't regret anything. Every demanding touch, every passionate kiss was the most enthralling feeling in the world. It was also the complete destruction of him. And the whole affair was excruciating. It was unbearable. And yet, so bearable. She was his drug. And, he was so hopelessly addicted. For her, he would die forever.

Anakin climbed out of his ship and threw on a dark cloak. He did not want to be seen.

After a few minutes of walking, and trying to dodge being seen, he reached his final destination. Anakin walked up the steps which spiralled up around the circular building, his heart gloomy. He opened the large door and she was there. The solemn grave of his wife.

(Imagine that Vader is Anakin instead

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(Imagine that Vader is Anakin instead.)

Anakin dropped to his knees in despair. "I'm sorry, my love. I couldn't save you. I wasn't strong enough. I let you down,"

Tears made their way down his cheek: their journey mournful. For a moment, he could have sworn he saw someone, heard a voice. The voice was soft, and beautiful, and bright.



Anakin followed his instincts. He reached out into the force, searching for the girl. He took the controls of his ship and flew.

He very quickly found a planet, Alderaan. She was there, he knew it.

After landing, Anakin searched his feelings, and the force. She was there. Leia was so, very close.

Eventually, he found a white house in a clearing. Anakin waited, mesmerised by the fact that his daughter was there. Soon, Anakin noticed a teenage girl scowling out of a window.

Little did he know, Leia had been watching for a while. She felt something was off: something made her walk over to her window. And she had seen her father. Just like that, her world was turned upside down. Of course, when he had rid of his helmet all those moons ago and his image had found itself to Leia through the news, she had recognised him instantly. After all, she had meticulously studied the hologram Fulcrum had given her. She thought her father was the pure embodiment of evil. It was impossible to count all the people he had hurt and that, to her, was completely unforgivable. Even though she felt this way, Leia was drawn to the man. After all, he was her flesh and blood. She found herself sneaking out of her house, after grabbing one of Bail's security guard's blasters, of course. Lucky for her, nobody heard her.

Leia made her way over to Anakin. She was very cautious. While her heart pounded, her head reminded her that he was not a good man. The problem was that he was her father. He was her blood as much as she was his. And so, in a short moment of weakness, she allowed herself to give in to her curiosity. She was his daughter.

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