My Life, What a Wonderful Thing...

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First of all nobody knows the real me at all, they may think they do but they don’t!

It’s all very complicating meaning my life obviously. Anyway you might want to know my story but you should know me first. Some things you will learn by reading the whole story, you may think it’s boring but you might think it’s really interesting at times. Maybe you will find out we have something in common, I don’t know! Here is a list of something’s you should know, some things will be in the actual story part also known as the Biography.

I don’t get along with my family, I hate them with all my guts!                  

  I currently wear size 6 in shoes but that changes depending on the cut                  

I hate shopping

I love hats like beanies and fedoras

I love food but I’m a picky eater

 I’m not a girly girl but everyone wants me to change that                           

   I love to bake

I love making people feel better and/or laugh 

 I have dark brown curly hair and brown eyes                                                                    

 Hobbies = GAMING of course, I love drawing and actually

I’m 5 foot something                                    

I love music, but who doesn’t?!                                                                                                

I’ve been depressed all my life and nobody knows except for one person and he lives all the way across the country I wish we lived a lot closer! You will learn about that person later though..


            My life is complicating to tell and it’s sad with some happy times!

            It all begins with parents falling in love, but let’s fast forward all that. I’m the youngest of three, my brother is eighteen, my sister is 17, and I’m 13 years young. The name that was given to me was Cara which means love, or face in Spanish. I hate my real name a lot and lots of people can’t pronounce it, so everyone outside my home calls me Cat. I prefer that a lot more honestly. Anyway I was born August 8th 2000 I don’t know the time and all that stuff. I lived in the same house ever since my first birthday. Everyone thinks that I was born in the UK so why not! I live in the USA in the state of Rhode Island. I’m with my mom, brother, and sister, my dad left when I was little and that affected my life a lot which you will find out later on.

            First of all it really started in elementary school 2nd grade at Curvin McCabe. My teacher was Ms. Higgins Cole, everybody hated her and despised her a lot, but anyway school got out at 2:40 and I got home at 3:08 so basically 3:10. One day my brother and Sister came to pick me up like normally, when we got off school property they ran with their long legs, wind blowing my sisters brown straight hair, and then I started to feel frightened. Why did they ditch me I thought, why did they leave me? Luckily I knew my way home to my little yellow house next to Baker field, but was I actually lucky. When I finally got home I opened the door, it leads into the kitchen where Kaylin and Ronnie were. They were yelling at each other over stupid stuff like who was going to wash the dishes and who was drying. At the time my brother was in 6th grade and my sister was in 5th, so anyway back to the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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